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That was an odd question Yoongi asked but I assume that's what friends eventually ask each other. I remember Jennie once asked me a similar question.

We end the day with a huffing Felix and Namjoon on our hands.
What were they doing?

I eventually get the answer that they were pretending that the floor was lava. I could only shake my head to this.

We all get ready for bed and I pull out my laptop. Might as well upload another video I recorded beforehand. Then Felix enters my room with a knock.

"Your room looks like mine" Felix says as he sits on the edge of my bed.
"Yeah, guest rooms right?" I say as I laugh a little.
"Yeah, Mom got rid of my posters" he whines as he falls onto my bed.

"How long are you going to be staying?" He suddenly asks after a bit of silence. I shut my laptop since I was done uploading.

"We are leaving in two days so we still have a full day tomorrow and half the next day. And you?" I ask.
"I'm staying a little longer" he says.

"When did you get here?" I ask.
"I think it's been three days now" he says after a bit of thinking.
"Why do you never come to my place?" I whine again with a pout.

"Because you clearly have friends" he says with a smirk.
"That's no excuse. And your place?" I ask.
"It's still a no" he says.
"Whatever" I say as I cross my arms.

"One day I will show up on your front door" I say with determination.
"That will be the day" he scoffs.

"You still enjoying your job?" I ask.
"Yeah. It gets tiring at times but I can't give it up" he says with a soft smile.

"Jeez, I want to come to one of your concerts. I'm sure you're amazing" I whine.
"Even Mom went to one of your concerts. Why don't you include me?" I scold.

"Because I don't have to worry about Mom" Felix says as he closes his eyes.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" I say outraged. He doesn't say anything.
"Hey! No one can sleep that fast! Don't just sleep here!" I shake him as he tries to hide his smile.

"You are truly annoying" I say as I roll my eyes.
"Love you too" he says as he stands up.
"Night Thing 1" he says by the door.
"Night Thing 2" I say as he closes my door to leave me in peace again.

The next morning, I decide to make us breakfast since Mom is working.

"Man...I missed your cooking" Felix says as he stuffs more food in his mouth. Yoongi and Namjoon doesn't even have time to say something as they simply nod and continue to stuff their faces.

"Slow down. You might choke" I say as I concentrate on my breakfast. Just then, Felix starts coughing, patting his own chest. I roll my eyes.

We all head off for an adventure around the town. I show them more places as we stop and go. We go to less crowded places and leave once it gets too busy. We eventually stop by a garden restaurant and had a little secluded place to ourselves. It was a great time, just before the setting of the sun. The garden looked livelier with the way the light bounced off the greenery.

We were all telling jokes round the table, occasionally bursting into laughter. It was a good idea to bring Felix with...

It was the day that we had to leave. Mom stayed a little longer to say her goodbyes. Felix was sullen the whole time.

"Let me at least drive you" Felix insists again.
"No, I already told you that we have to give back the rental" I explain again as I rub my temples.

"But please come visit. I have a room ready" I say as I hug him.
"I'll see" he says with a shining smile.
"You too Mom" I say as I hug her.
"Of course, when you actually get me there" Mom says as she crosses her arms.
"Right" I say a bit awkwardly.

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