Chapter 22

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When Loki returned to Midgard. Thor didn't leave his side. Asking him where he went and if he was fine.

"I have told you for a thousandth time, Thor, I'm fine. Nothing happened. " Loki had told him. But then he caved and told him about Jötunheim.

Thor gaped at him. "You went to Jötunheim alone!" And then he narrowed his eyes at him. "Loki, if you did something to them, they have suffered enough. "

Loki was surprised at Thor for defending them. "I did nothing. "Loki said. "Besides, we must seek allies for defeating the Mad Titan. "Thor's gaze softened upon seeing the hunted look on his brother's at the mere thought of the Titan. "The king of Jötunheim allowed me to have some of his armies and We can reach Vanaheim through mother. "And then Loki started to talk more and more quickly, and his right hand was clenched tight enough that his knuckles were white.

"I know where the stone is, I've done my research. We must find them before him. "

"Loki. "Thor said, gently, Loki tried to breathe properly, he was on the verge of having a panic attack.

Thor took a cautious step toward his brother and then pulled him into a hug. "Loki, you're not in this alone. "he said.

"But Thor, I think we are going to lose. I've spent two years in his presence, I know his strength, I know what he is capable of. "Loki shuddered at the memories that were resurfacing through his mind. "We can't win against him," he said the last words in a small voice. This was Loki's worst nightmare.

"Loki, you always assume the worst. It might not come. Have faith in us, brother. "

"I'm afraid of losing you and our friends. It's the first time I've ever made friends, and I don't want to lose any of you. "

"You cannot assume we have lost before the fight has even begun," Thor said. "We will fight side by side, brother. And we shall destroy him. We're stronger together. "


Tony and Loki were the only ones sitting in the common room. But then was interrupted by a quiet beeping.

Stark stood in front of the t.v and punched a long series of numbers before the screen flickered, and Captain America's face appeared.

"Tony, you are alive. '' He was happy to see his friend again.

"Yeah, well. The world can't get rid of me. "Tony joked. "And Bruce, Thor, and Loki are here. Shit happened in Asgard. "

"What happened? "Steve asked, concerned.

"A lot of things, but something worse is coming. The avengers need to come back." Loki stepped into view of the camera, there was no time to waste.

"Loki. I'm glad to see you too well. "the avengers have accepted Loki before they went to Asgard. "But what is the threat? "he said in a more serious voice.

"The Mad Titan. "

And Loki couldn't talk again about him, so Tony was explaining the situation to Steve. Loki returned reading his book to distract himself from what they are talking about.

"Steve says that if something happens we contact them because they can't get out of Wakanda. "Tony said after finishing his call with Steve.

"We don't know when he will move, but we must prepare for anything," Loki said. "But there is something I've to tell you. "He continued.

Tony looked at him, studying his face. He was nervous.

"What's it, Loki? "Tony said after a moment of silence.

"I-i went to Jötunheim to return the Casket of Ancient Winters. "

"Why are all the Asgardians names like that? "Tony muttered, but Loki ignored him. He pulled the white stone from his pocket dimension.

Tony's eyes widened at the stone. "Is that... "

"Yes, one of them. It's the Ego Stone. "

"So, we have two of them, right? "Tony eyed the stone.

"Thanos isn't looking for that Stone. It contains the consciousness of the goddess Nemesis or Rhamnousia. "

"Oh, we are dealing with Greek mythology too? "

"I don't know, but Nemesis is a goddess who was tired of her life, so she committed suicide and the stones were shattered across the realm. "

"I don't know if it will work, but if we reunite the stones together, Nemesis will be reborn and we can destroy the Mad Titan. "Loki continued.

"And I assume you didn't tell Thor about this? "Tony raised an eyebrow at him.

"No. "and then he said hesitantly. "But Tony, do you trust me? "

"Of course Loki. " Tony said without thinking.

Loki sighed in relief and said. "I need you to remove your shirt. "

"Woah, Lokes. I know I'm sexy, but you know Pepper won't approve. " Tony joked, but Loki was looking at him seriously, which made Tony take his shirt off.

Loki put his hand that holds the stone on the arc reactor.

Tony yelped and said. "Dude, what are you doing? "

"It won't harm you, Tony. I will use my magic to put the stone in your arc reactor. "

"Why can't you just keep it to yourself? "he asked, staring at the stone.

A sigh left Loki's lips. "Because I've heard mother telling Thor to keep fighting, even if something happened. " he smiled sadly. "It will be better for you to have it. "

Looking at him seriously. "Loki, I promise nothing will happen to you and we will all get out of this alive. "Tony promised, but Loki shook his head and said instead.

"Shall I continue? "

Tony looked at him with a determination that something won't happen to him.

Loki put his hand on the arc reactor and started enchanting words. Green light emitted from his hand until the stone disappeared in the arc reactor.


Note: I've read that Iron man in the comics has a stone inside his head, so I put the stone in the Arc reactor instead of his head.

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