Chapter 13

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When Thor held Loki, he remembered when he used to do that when he tried to reassure himself that his brother was there or when Loki had a nightmare and crawled into his bed, like that they could get rid of the monsters together. He was grateful that his brother is safe, and improving. The two brothers were bonding again after Frigga had left for Asgard two months ago. Loki's eating improved, and he gained some weight, but nightmares still invaded his sleep, and there are some moments where Loki would forget where he is, which makes Thor still worried about his brother.

The other avengers resided at the tower, even Clint, who was wary at first, but after connecting the dots about what happened to Loki, he tried to accept him in the tower.

"So let me get this straight, how old are you in earth standards? "Tony asked Thor when the entire team was watching some movie in the living room and Tony was distracted from it by Thor's age, he doesn't even remember what opened the conversation.

"I'm twenty-five by your human age. " Thor said casually, and that caught the others' attention.

"What about Loki? " Natasha asked, curiously, watching Loki from the corners of her eye.

Loki was watching the movie, not interested in their conversation.

"Loki is perhaps nineteen or twenty by your earth standards. "The words fell from his lips as if It wasn't a big deal, but silence followed them, Thor resumed watching the movie while munching on his popcorn, not noticing the surprised looks on his teammates.

Loki frowned at the sudden silence and glanced around at their faces. "uh, what's wrong? " He asked, hesitantly.

"You are only nineteen! You didn't even reach the legal drinking age! "Steve exclaimed.

"Captain, I am older than you by hundreds of years. Your pathetic drinks don't affect me. "Loki said calmly, what's wrong with his age?

"Steve, Loki is used to Asgardians mead. It is fine. "Thor said, confused like his brother.

"A little God of mischief. "Tony snickered.

"Stark. "Loki narrowed his eyes at him. "Shut up. "

"Hey, I am older than you! "

"I don't care. "

"Do we need to apply for him at any school? "

"Ugh, can we get rid of both of them? "Bruce said.

Clint didn't comment about Loki's age, as he was quite shocked about it. He can't imagine his own children being tortured at a young age. He shuddered about even thinking about it.

Fury was still asking Clint, well not asking, demanding to let Loki speak but Thor refused, he knows his brother must tell them everything but after seeing that Loki is still recovering; he doesn't want his brother to go back to the same terrible state when they saw him in the tower, and it seems like Clint agrees with him.


Tony found himself in a terrible situation, blood splattering the inside of his helmet, He grunted, trying to lift his head, But it hurts. The avengers were called on a mission where there was a villain with a bunch of robots attacking the city, Tony didn't notice the building at first but it collapsed on him.

Is this the end of the famous Tony Stark? He wished at least to say goodbye to Pepper.

His limbs wouldn't move, the weight of his suit was pinning him down. Jarvis was not responding. The sounds of the battle seemed to disappear around him. He needed to remove the helmet. But he couldn't.

Something was moving the rubble from above him.

"Man of iron, do you hear me? "it was Thor but his voice sounds distant.

Sunlight appeared in his vision, but he was already losing consciousness. He felt someone carrying him and the shouting of people made his head throbbing.

"We need to get him to the hospital! "it sounds like Steve's voice, Tony thought.

"No, I need to treat him here, he won't make it! " Is that Loki's voice? What's Loki doing here?

Someone was pulling the helmet off his face. "Stark, you must stay with me. What's the matter? " Yup, definitely Loki's voice. Tony thought.

"The arc reactor. "Tony said, coughing more blood. He is going to die on the streets.

"I will remove the suit with my magic. "

But Tony wasn't able to respond. Loki worked in concentration to see how the suit can be removed.

Tony's right arm was broken, and he couldn't breathe because the area around the arc reactor was the most damaged.

Loki cut his shirt with a knife, he brought it out of nowhere. And cold hands pressed on his chest, and moved to his arc reactor. Loki began saying words that Tony didn't understand and a green light appeared from Loki's hand, the same light that combined with his mother's magic, and that made Tony think about his mother, will he see her after he dies?

"I won't let you die, Stark. " Loki said weakly, magic was consuming his energy, but he can't stop until knowing that Tony is okay.

A tingling sensation was coursing through Tony's body, and it felt nice, he closed his eyes and he fell into unconsciousness.

The other avengers were standing hopelessly, not knowing what to do. Thor was looking worriedly at his brother, he knew that consuming that amount of energy might harm Loki's body.

The arc reactor colour returned until it became the blue light that Tony knew. Loki smiled at that and then collapsed.


When Tony woke up, to find Pepper beside him , she came flying back to New York, and gave him a lecture about throwing himself in the face of danger and that he was ready to sacrifice himself. She was crying and Tony's heart broke at that.And add to that, It has been three days since they informed him that Loki is unconscious, he felt guilty because he was the reason for the state of Loki.

"Man of iron, my brother will wake up soon. His body needed to restore the magic that he lost. "Thor assured him


Thor sat beside his brother's bed the whole time, not leaving the room only to eat or drink. He was sleeping on a chair, snoring loudly and didn't hear when his brother called him. And suddenly a bolt of energy was thrown at him, making him yelp.

"Loki! "Thor's loud voice boomed in the room, Loki glared at him.

"Brother, you're awake! "

"Water," Loki said, hoarsely.

Thor brought him water and sat staring at Loki, which made Loki shift, "What Thor? "

"I'm just glad that you're fine." Thor smiled at him proudly. 

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