Part 13

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There are a couple of sexist and Homphobic things said so be prepared.
Josie's POV

I wake up with 2 thoughts in my head. One is my beautiful girlfriend. And the second is that it is Monday and I have school. Contrary to popular opinion I actually love Monday's I look at is as the start of something new. Like who knows what could happen this week. As I get up and start getting ready I can't help but smile. There is just so much to be happy about. After getting ready I hear a knock on the door. I'm pretty confused because who would be knocking right now. That is until I open the door and am met with a smiling Hope Mikaelson.

"Morning Jo, I thought we could walk to breakfast together" Hope says.

"Yeah sure" I say grabbing her hand as we make our way to the cafeteria. Once we get there Hope let's go of my hand. I look over to her very confused.

She stops walking and says "I didn't know if you wanted people to know about us or not"

I just smile at her grabbing her hand again saying "of course I want people to know. They need to know that Hopey is taken"

She blushes and says "why would you want people to know that your with the tribrid freak"

"Ok first of all never say such mean things to my girlfriend" she giggles a little before I continue " And second you are not a freak you are the only tribrid in the world, which is awesome, and your also insanely talented and beautiful"

She blushes hard and I just smile and start walking again entering the cafeteria. Everyone gives us super weird looks and people are whispering but I don't really care. As we make it to the table everyone is smiling at us except Landon and Raf who are looking kind of upset. When we get there we are bombarded by questions about our new relationship and me and Hope answers them. Breakfast is all good until Landon speaks up saying "so we are all just going to stand by this relationship?"

Mg speaks saying "yeah of course why wouldn't we?"

"Because they are two girls in a relationship do you know how wrong that is?" Landon yells gaining some attention from other people in the cafeteria.

"Landon I think you should leave" Lizzie says.

I look at Hope and her eyes are going crazy from yellow to blue. I can tell she is trying to keep her cool and not kill him. I place my hand on top of hers and she immediately calms down.

When I look back up it's because Landon is saying "you're both gonna rot in Hell"

Next thing I know Hope is standing up and walking towards him. His face changes real quick when he realizes who he just messed with. "You better leave now or I'm gonna do something I regret" Hope says calmly.

Landon smirks after (gosh this boys dumb) and says "get out of my face you stupid tribrid freak"

The next thing I know Landon is slammed against the nearest wall and Hope hold him there with magic. It stays silent with no one daring to move until My dad comes in the room and yells at Hope telling her to let him down. He then tells Me, Hope, and Landon to come to his office. The walk to the office was silent and was only ended once all 3 of us were sitting in my dads office with me in the middle and Hope and Landon both to different sides of me. My dad speaks up asking "so what exactly happened?"

Neither Hope nor Landon speak so I guess it's up to me. I start by saying "well before we get into that I want to let you know that me and Hope are dating"

He looks shocked but his only question is "are you happy?"

I say "yes I am" and look to Hope with a smile.

"Ok well then that's all I can wish for you. But Hope you better not break her heart or else" He says

Hope chuckles and says "I wouldn't dream of it Sr."

We all smile until we are interrupted by Landon saying "Really you support this. That's disgusting"

Hope growls at him and my dad speaks up and says " if you have a problem with my kid and her girlfriend then you have a problem with me, your expelled Landon"

He just gets up and storms off. My dad turns to me and Hope and says "I'm sorry for what happened there but Hope you have to control yourself"

"I know Dr. Saltzman I'm sorry" she says.

My dad responds with "it's ok just work on it. You're both dismissed... oh and I'm happy for you both" we all smile as me and Hope make our way to class.

I'm sorry for taking so long to write a new chapter I was taking some time for myself. Hope you enjoyed reading. Bye! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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