Part 1

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This morning was like an other for a certain brunette twin. That was until she got a call from her dad, the headmaster of the school, for her and her sister to please come to his office. Little did Josie Saltzman know that that day would change her life forever. As she and her sister got to their dads office they knocked and he quickly spoke a soft "come in".

As the girls made there way into their dad's office they see him sitting and quietly waiting for them.

"Hey girls" Alaric quickly spoke as they got to his desk.

"Hey dad" they both say almost in unison but they are a little off.

"Ok so girls I have called you in here because we have a new student arriving and I would like you to give her a really great tour" Alaric told his daughters.

"Yeah sure dad" Josie spoke giving her father a kind smile.

"What whyyyy we always have to give the tours why can't someone else do it" Lizzie spoke in a clearly annoyed tone.

"Please Lizzie just do what I say for once" their dad spoke.

"Fine but you owe me" Lizzie says snarkly.

"Ok whatever" Alaric says sighing before continuing to speak saying " Well her name is Hope Mikaelson, you may have heard of the Mikaelson name before in history class so you probably know about her family so don't make her mad. She's also a tribrid the only one in existence so try to help her fit in even though she is different. Well that's about it she will be here in a few minutes so get ready."

His daughters stood there shocked for a moment about what they just heard but then decided they need to be preparing for her arrival. A few minutes later a small van with the 'Salvatore Boarding School' name printed on it pulls up and a beautiful auburn haired, blue eyed, and pretty short pops out of the car.

Josie's thoughts were 'damn this girl is so beautiful. I bet she's just into guys though. I really hope not. Ugh why am I thinking this I haven't even had a conversation with her.'

While Hope's thoughts were 'Huh why do they kinda look similar. There probably just best friends. The brunette is really freaking pretty though I wonder what her name is. Well I guess I'll find out.'

Both Josie and Hope are knocked out of there thoughts by Lizzie saying "Welcome to the 'Salvatore boarding school for the young and gifted.' My names Lizzie"

"I'm Josie" Josie says right after as if they rehearsed this or something, oh wait they did.

"We're twins" they say at the same time and continue by adding "fraternal obviously".

"Hey I'm Hope" Hope says after she is sure the sisters are done talking.

"Ok well let's start off the tour. First we are going to look at the cafeteria. Then we will look at the gym, the classrooms, all of what the outdoors here have to offer including all of our sports teams, and then we will conclude the tour at you're dorm." Lizzie finishes speaking and at this point she's a little out of breath.

Hope just nods her head slightly not exactly sure what to say. As the tour begins Hope see that Lizzie is completely taking the rein of the tour and she's definitely a kind of controlling person. Hope is extremely good at reading people and that is what she is getting off of Lizzie.

But Josie now she's a whole different story. Hope can already tell that she is a really great person and that she puts other people in front of herself. She is just letting her sister completely take control of this tour.

Lizzie is talking all about the school but the one thing that Hope is focused on is Josie. She decides to tease her and whisper quietly in the girls ear "So you gonna let your sister take over this tour or are you gonna help show me around?"

Josie just gives Hope a thoughtful look before whispering back "Lizzie usually handles this type of stuff."

Hope replies with "Well what if I want you to be the one to give me a tour?"

Josie slightly blushes before her sister interrupts there conversation by saying "So are you gonna pay attention or not because if not I can just leave?"

Hope just looks at her and says a small "sorry".

Lizzie just looks at her, rolls her eyes, and continues the tour in which Josie and Hope do not speak at all.

This is until they arrive at Hope's new room and she asks them "so what exactly do you guys do for fun around here?"

"Oh so nice of you to ask there is actually a party tonight in the woods if you wanna come. It starts at 9 so we could pick you up at around 8:45?" Lizzie states.

"Uhh will you both be there?" Hope says mostly directing that question Josie's way.

"Yeah we will both be there" Josie responds quietly.

"Ok cool sounds like a plan then see you at 8:45" Hope says.

"Alright see you later" both girls respond while walking off.

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