Part 3

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As they sat there they talked for a while before two more people walked up and sat with them. Hope recognized one of them, it was Lizzie, but the other she had not seen yet. He was tall and very model looking. He just looked at her with a 'what are you doing here' look.

He sat down looking at Hope and he finally spoke saying "Hey i'm Ethan who exactly are you?"

"I'm Hope. I'm new here I came today" said Hope looking nervous that he would ask her what she is and she would have to explain again.

But he didn't ask he just stated "oh cool it's nice to meet you" with a smile.

Hope just smiled at him.

That is when Lizzie spoke saying "hum what should we do. Oh wait let's play some truth or dare!"

Josie's POV

Ugh truth or dare. Last time we played this Mg made me kiss Landon for a dare and he has not stopped bugging me since. I have absolutely no feelings for him and I've told him that but he doesn't seem to get it. I'm feeling kinda nervous about playing this again. That is until I feel a hand on top of mine and I look up and am met with those gorgeous blue eyes.

Hope whispers to me "Hey are you ok?"

"Yeah just have bad experiences with this game" I explain.

"We don't have to play if you don't want to" Hope says.

This warms my heart. The fact that she would sit out with me is so sweet. I then realized that everything was going to be ok because of this girl sitting next to me so I just smile and tell her "no it's ok".

Hope's POV

After Lizzie says that we should play truth or dare I look around seeing everyone seeming happy to play until I see Josie. She looks nervous and almost scared and i'm not sure why.

I feel like I need to comfort her and ask her if she's ok so that is what I do. When she looks up at me all that I can think about is how pretty her chocolate brown eyes are.

She tells me that she's had bad experiences with truth or dare and i'm kind of curious as to what she means but she looks uncomfortable so I decide not to ask. I decide that if she doesn't want to play then I won't either but she says that it's ok and we can play.

As the game starts it's not very interesting at first. I come to find out that Ethan and Maya are siblings so that's cool I guess. The person who started was Lizzie and she asked Ethan who said truth. Lizzie asked Ethan an easy question being if you weren't siblings with Maya who would you want to be your sibling. He answered Mg and of course Mg celebrated his "victory". Next Ethan asked Raf 'truth or dare' and Raf said dare. Ethan told him that he had to take a couple shots which was easy for Raf so he did it. Next was Raf's turn to ask someone so he asked Mg and Mg said dare. And this is when the game began to get juicy. Raf told Mg to kiss whoever he had a crush on. Everyone 'ohh' ed and Mg got really red really fast, while looking at the ground.

As Mg looks back up from the ground and his gaze immediately falls onto Lizzie as he leans in an gives her a small peck on the lips. Everyone sat there looking stunned for a minute until Mg said "Uh ok Hope, truth or dare".

I thought about both options for awhile before deciding to be risky and do a dare hoping it wouldn't be to bad.

After I told Mg dare he sat there for a moment contemplating what he wanted to say. After about a minute he spoke up and said "Spin the bottle whoever it land on you have to kiss them" while handing me an empty beer bottle.

I grabbed the bottle, set it down, and spun it while thinking 'please land on Josie'. After a couple of seconds the bottle slowed down and came to a stop. I looked up to see who the bottle was pointing at and it was Maya. I really didn't want to do this but a dare is a dare. Maya was smiling at me when I leaned in and kissed her quickly and then pulled away. I look over to Josie and she has a look of pure disgust on her face. Then I come to realize that the look that she is giving is jealousy. The rest of the game went by smoothly with no more kissing dares. But it was weird that I did not hear Josie speak much after my kiss with Maya. As it started to get later everyone heads back to there rooms and I do the same. I lay in bed thinking 'Is there anyway Josie could like me back. Their isn't is there.'

Josie's POV

Seeing Maya and Hope kiss made my blood boil. I was mad at myself for being jealous and I was mad seeing my crush kissing someone else. I stayed quiet the rest of the night and then it was time to go back to our rooms so me and Lizzie went to ours. Once we got there I started getting changed and after I was done I looked at Lizzie and she looked like she wanted to talk to me about something.

After a minute of her just staring at me I was getting annoyed so I blurted out "Lizzie just say what you want to say"

Lizzie looked at me and then finally asked me what she has been wanting to ask this whole time" Do you have feelings for Hope?"

That was like a punch in the gut oh my god was I really that obvious. I looked at her nervously and then denied it saying "u-uh no why would you think that"

Lizzie just sighed and said "please don't lie to me Jo I see the way you look at her and how jealous you were when she kissed Maya"

I then just decided to be honest by saying "yeah ok I guess I have a little crush on her"

"You should tell her." Lizzie says.

"What no I can't do that" I quickly say with all of the worst thoughts crossing my mind such as 'What if she doesn't like me and I ruin our friendship? What if she's straight?What if she has feelings for someone else?'

My thoughts are interrupted by Lizzie saying "You know how I just told you I know you like her by the look you give her" she pauses allowing me to slowly nod yes before continuing "well she gives you the same look. I think she might like you too"

I just sigh and tell her "I'll think about it" before laying down and slowly drifting off to sleep with thoughts of Hope Mikaelson drifting around my head.

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