Part 6

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Hopes POV

As I wake up to the sun shining on my face I feel a weight on top of me. I am confused for a second until I look at her beautiful face and all the memories of yesterday flood back. I smile and sit there staring at her for a couple minutes , it's Saturday so we don't have classes, and then I am startled by her starting to stir awake.

As I see her open her eyes she whispers a "good morning" in a cute little sleepy voice.

"Morning" I reply, still staring at her.

"I'm really happy I told you how I feel" she says smiling.

"Me too. By the way I wanted to ask you something?" I say kinda nervous.

"Yeah what is it?" She asks still smiling.

"Do you want to go on a date with me tomorrow?" I ask, now extremely nervous.

She quickly responds with "Yeah of course I'd love too. What are we going to do?"

I think before answering her "that's a secret you'll just have to wait and see"

"Ok then" she says before continuing saying "Ive had a really great time hanging out with you but Lizzie is definitely wondering where I am so I better get back. Oh wait also what time is our date?"

I respond with "Yeah I understand and I'll pick you up at 5"

She begins to leave but I don't think that is the proper way to say goodbye so I lightly grab her wrist pulling her in for a kiss. It lasts a couple of seconds before I break away saying "Now that's how you say goodbye"

Josie just rolls her eyes, gives me a quick peck and says "I'll see you tomorrow Hope" with a huge smile on her face.

As she leaves I lay back in my bed smiling and thinking about how perfect I want this date to be. I have the perfect plan.

Josie's POV

I smile all the way back to my room just thinking about this date with Hope. I don't stop smiling even as I enter the room but my happiness is interrupted by Lizzie yelling at me for being gone and not letting her know where I was.

I sit down on the bed and say "I'm sorry I worried you I was with Hope."

Lizzies angry face quickly grows into a smirk when she hears this and she says "oh give me details like now. Ok but maybe not like all the details" with a disgusted face at the end.

I roll my eyes before saying "no it's not like that we just talked. I admitted my feelings and she said she liked me back and we kissed and she asked me out on a date"

"Aww that's cute. Hosie for life" Lizzie states.

I just laugh as I lay back on my bed thinking about a certain auburn haired girl.

Ok I just wanted to thank everyone for reading and say that I really appreciate it.

I also wanted to say that with everything going on in the world there are things in our control and that are avoidable. One of these things is racism. Even if you think this is not an issue where you live( which it surely is it is an issue everywhere) or if you cannot do anything about it in your community then I will ask you at the lead to sign this petition Thank you and I hope everyone stays safe.

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