Part 11

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Hope's POV

As I wake up on this beautiful Saturday morning I decide that today is the day. Today's the day I'm going to ask my crush to be my girlfriend. It's about 9 so I head downstairs to get breakfast. As I make my way downstairs I hear some people talking by Dr. Saltzman's office and all three voices sound really familiar. As I turn to see who it could be a see someone I never thought I would see again. "Roman?!" I ask the curly headed boy.

"Hope?" Roman responds in a confused voice.

It's silent for a second before I ask "I thought you were going to that all boys school in France?"

"Yeah well I got kicked out and decided to come here. Why are you here last I heard you were still in New Orleans?" He says.

I look at him when I finally notice that we have an audience. I see Josie and Lizzie standing there looking at me and Roman very confused.
That's when I remember that he just asked me a question so I respond with "oh yeah but after what happened with my parents I needed a change and decided to come here. Oh and good morning Josie and Lizzie"

Lizzie is the next to speak saying "so how do you two know each other?"

Before I can say anything Roman explains "we used to date but I had to move away so we broke up."

I look at Josie to see what her reaction is and she just looks sad. I decide to go next to her and grab her hand so that she will understand that what me and Roman have is over. After I grab her hand she smiles at me and I look up to see Roman very confused. He then asks "so are you two a thing?"

I respond with " Yes and no. We have been on a few dates and I plan to make her my girlfriend soon enough"

I look at Josie who is blushing hard when I hear Roman scoff really loudly. I look up to find he has a disgusted face on.

"Since when are you into girls? I bet your just with her because you missed me so much" Roman says.

I look at him dumbfounded for a second before answering saying "since when are you such a dick? And no I'm with Josie because I like her. I like her more than I ever liked you and we aren't even dating yet"

Roman just rolls his eyes and walks away as he is walking I yell at him "oh yeah and stay away from me and the people I care about or else"

He just keeps walking. That's when I look at Josie and we stair into each other's eyes until we were interrupted by Lizzie coughing. Lizzie looks at me and says "I can't believe you dated that"

I laugh and say "I know neither can I"

I decide that today probably isn't the best day to ask Josie to be my girlfriend because of everything that just happened so I decide to spend the day trying to get to know her even better. All day we hung out. First, I taught her how to paint which was really fun and she was actually not too bad. Then, she tried to teach me how to play the ukulele but I failed miserably. It was ok though because I got to see Josie's amazing music talent like damn is there anything that girl can't do. Next, we went swimming in the lake at the school. It was pretty fun and we just talked and laughed the whole time. Finally, it was getting dark so we decided to go back to my room and watch a movie. I didn't really watch to much of it though because we were making out a majority of the movie. We never took it further than that. I was happy about that because I was still a virgin and I don't really want to lose it until we are actually dating. After the movie Josie went back to her room and I started planning the perfect way to ask her to be my girlfriend. I figured out exactly what I am going to do and then I head to bed ready for an amazing and nerve racking day tomorrow.

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