Part 4

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Hope's POV

I wake up to my alarm going off at 7 which means I have an hour to get ready before breakfast. I lightly curled my hair, put on some makeup, and got dressed. When I was done it was about time for me to leave. As I walk down the stairs of the school I begin to get nervous. I don't like being around very many people and i'm about to be faced with a whole lot of people. I was ok at the party because I was with the twins. I was with Josie. But as I walk into the extremely crowded cafeteria I am alone. I immediately begin searching for anyone I know. I see Mg at a table with Raf and this other guy I have never seen before. As I am walking over to them Raf notices me and waves. As I get to them I sit on the other side of the table as Mg and the other guy, next to Raf.

Mg notices me and says "Hey Hope. Ready for you're first day?"

I just smile and say "Hey, and yeah I think so"

"Oh by the way this is Kaleb he wasn't at the party last night because he had to study for a test" Mg says signaling to the boy next to him.

"Oh so you're Hope" Kaleb says and I give him a confused look. After he sees me giving him this look he explains saying "Oh me and Mg are roommates and when he came back after the party he told me about you and about how he thinks Josie has a crush on you and about what you are and all that"

I look at him with a confused expression as Mg slaps his head and says "You weren't supposed to tell her about that!"

"Sorry bro I didn't know she didn't know, I mean you said it was pretty obvious" Kaleb responded.

I was thoroughly confused now. My thoughts were 'Wait could Josie actually like me? Mg seems to think so.'

My thoughts were interrupted by just the person I was thinking about. She said "Hey guys what are you arguing about?"

That's when I realized that they Mg and Kaleb have been arguing this whole time.

Mg looked up at Josie and just tells her that its nothing. She sits next to me and smiles and I smile back. We sit at lunch and talk about pretty much nothing but I'm not really involved in the conversation because I'm too busy staring at Josie the whole time. ' Gosh she's so gorgeous' . I'm pretty startled when the bell rings signaling its time for class. I have my first class with Raf so I sit next to him.

Skip to end of class (I'm lazy sorry)

As the class ends I get excited knowing that my next class is with Josie. We sit next to each other.

Just my luck that today in class we are talking about the great Klaus Mikaelson. The teacher immediately starts talking bad about him saying that he is the great evil and all sorts of stuff like that but I know the other side of him, the dad side.

I'm getting really sad thinking about my dad. I feel a hand reach out and touch mine and for some reason this calms me down a bit. I look up at Josie knowing that she was the person touching my hand and she mouths a 'are you ok?' I just nod at her but she does not move her hand till the class is over. And when she moves her hand away and gets up I immediately miss her touch. She mouths me a 'bye' before going to her next class.

My next couple classes are super boring because there is no one I know in them. Lunch was basically the same as breakfast except for the Kaleb and Mg argument part. The rest of the classes I have some friends in so there not as bad but it's still boring.

As the day comes to an end I run into Josie in the hall and she asks if I want to hang out later. I obviously say yes because who would say no to hanging out with their crush. We agree to meet at my room at 7 and that she will bring us food from the cafeteria.

As I leave I think about possible telling her how I feel tonight. 'I don't know maybe she doesn't feel the same and it will ruin our friendship? But what if she does feel the same? Ughh I'll just read the vibe tonight and if it feels like a good time to tell her I will. '

Josie's POV

I'm hanging out with Hope tonight and I think I'm going to tell her how I feel. I really hope she feels the same way and this does not ruin our friendship. Well good luck to me.

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