Part 12

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Hope's POV

I wake up at 8 this morning to get everything ready for when I ask Josie to be my girlfriend. Your probably wondering what I am going to do to ask her. Well I've planned out a little scavenger hunt with all of her favorite places or places that we've made memories together. After getting everything set up it was already around 3 o'clock. Josie and I have been texting all day but I made sure to keep what I was doing today a secret. With magic, I sent a note to her door and then I knew that it was a waiting game until Josie was done.

Josie's POV

As I'm sitting in bed reading I see something falling onto my desk. I am confused about what it could be about. As I read the note it says Dear Josie,
Where was the first place we kissed? You might ask why I'm writing you this. Well I guess you'll have to go there and see.
As soon as I finished reading the note I knew that Hope was talking about her room so I make my way there. As I am walking I start to wonder what this could all be about.

As I arrive upon Hopes room there is another note stuck to the door but this time there is a rose with it as well. The note reads
Dear Josie,
You figured out that one let's see if you can get the rest. Where was the place where I stood up for you? Good luck Josie.

This question takes me a little longer to figure out but then I remember when Maya was trying to flirt with hope and she stood up for me. I start heading to the classroom that was in which just happens to be all the way across the freaking school. It takes c me about 5 minutes to get there and when I do I see the same setup that was on her door with the note and the Rose. I read this note which says
Dear Josie,
You're doing great. I'm not surprised. There is only one more place left to visit. Where did we have our first official date? If you get this right you'll find me. See you soon Jo.

This one doesn't take me very long and I know that it is the Old Mill. I start to make my way there getting excited about the idea of seeing Hope. Once I'm pretty close I start to see the Old Mill all done up again. Almost like it was on our first date. When I walk in I see Hope looking absolutely adorable holding a whole bouquet of roses. As I walk up to her she just smiles at me. Once I am there she says "hey" and I reply with a simple "hey" back.

Then I remember everything about egg I am here and ask her " so what were all the notes and roses about?"

She smiles and says "oh that reminds me here" handing me the bouquet before continuing "and about all of that I have something to ask you. Josie Saltzman will you be my girlfriend?"

I smile at her as I immediately feel happy hearing her say that. I look at her in the eyes and respond with "yes of course but on one condition"

"I'll do anything" Hope responds.

"You be my girlfriend too" I say with a huge smile.

Hope laughs and rolls her eyes before saying "yes you dork"

I just smile and bring her into a soft kiss. The whole way back to the school we were in comfortable silence while walking holding hands.

Once we arrived at my dorm I gave her a small kiss before saying "I'll text you later girlfriend"

" I like the sound of that" Hope responds

I laugh lightly and say "me too . Bye hope"

"Bye Josie" Hope says before walking away.

As I get into my room I am smiling so much and I dont even see Lizzie lying on her bed. That's why I'm kind of scared when she starts bombarding me with questions of how it went.

"How did you even know?" I ask Lizzie.

"Hope told me duh" she responds

I shoot back with " I swear you talk with my girlfriend more than you talk with me"

Lizzies eyes widen and so do mine when I realize what I just said. "Oh my god your dating I'm so happy for you Jo" Lizzie states.

I smile and say that's before I think about something I've been dreading, telling my dad about Hope and I. I don't know how he will feel about me being with a Mikaelson. Ah well tomorrow's problems today was such a good day and I'm so happy to call Hope mine.

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