Chapter 26 - Visions

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I was running. My chest was tight as my breathing came out in short bursts. The gasps for air were audible as I leaped over a fallen tree, almost twisting my ankle in the process. My legs were numb and tingly, but I couldn't seem to stop them.

What was going on? Why was I running? And who was I running from? All I could feel was the darkness that weighed in my heart - I was terrified. Whatever I was running from made fear take over my body. I couldn't stop running, not when they were right behind.

Who's "they?"

The fact that I was confused by my own thoughts alarmed me. And what alarmed me further was that despite the heavy weight of fear filling my entire body, I didn't feel the comforting presence of my wolf in the back of my mind. I didn't feel anything. Where was he? 


Suddenly the world was tilting as I crashed to the ground, scraping my hands and legs as I brace for impact. My body rolled forward and I'm soon tumbling down a hill, grunting as I went along. When I stopped at the bottom of the hill, I tried to sit up. But, when I looked down at my hands, I was even further alarmed to find that they were not only bloody but also not my hands.

Great Goddess what's going on?! I frantically checked my body, finding plenty of blood, but also fair skin that almost seemed to glow, covered in scars and other markings. This...this wasn't my body. Even if my skin was pale, it wasn't nearly this ghostly, nor was it covered in so many scars. 

"Where is it?"

My - well, not really my - head snapped up when I heard voices nearby. I wanted to scream out, but the sudden panic that gripped me told me I shouldn't give away my location. Instead, I scrambled to hide from them at the base of the hill, peeking my head out from a bush to watch for anyone going by.

A group of men with guns walked by, pausing for a moment where I could still hear them.

"It's not here."

"It has to be! Father will be displeased. He could have our heads for this."

"It's not my problem! I wasn't the one that let him go."


The sound of a female made me pause. "It's here. I can smell its magic."

My breath hitched as I heard the group start to walk down the hill. I hid further into the bush, trying to make myself as small as possible. 

"Sister Arya, there isn't anything here."

"Quiet," she snapped again.

I completely stopped breathing as I waited, praying to the Goddess that they didn't find me. Whoever they were, they didn't sound friendly, and they kept referring to this body as an "it." At least, I assumed they were referring to me. What else would they be looking for in my direction? Especially if the body had reacted so horribly to them.

The branches shielding me rustled and a hand shot through, gripping hair that was definitely way longer than mine. I yelped, but it sounded more like the scream of a fox.

A fox?

But before I could contemplate it more, my vision went black and I heard the distinct sound of more screams, but they were humanoid.





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