Chapter 25 - What Do We Do Now?

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"Are you sure you're up for this?" Joshua asked me for the third time since we'd left my house. "You really don't have to confront this yet."

"No, I do. And if I don't do it now, then when?" I answered.

He sighed, reaching out to grab my hand as we walked up the pathway to the packhouse. I locked my car before we entered, glancing wistfully at it. If only I could grab Joshua and drive away. I was sure he'd support that decision, but like I told him, I couldn't push this off. Whatever was going on needed to be confronted. I couldn't wuss out forever. Not that it hadn't been long since Aaron and Alpha James told me about my...specialness.

It didn't feel like it'd been a day since my parents told me about my past. If I was being honest, it felt like everything happening had been stretched out over a few weeks. Each day seemed to lengthen to the point where I was not quite sure if what was happening was even real.

We entered the packhouse and immediately saw Aaron chatting with Ryder. They both looked over when we came inside. "Hey, Wren, Joshua. How are you guys?" Ryder greeted with a large smile, offering a wave to motion us over.

"We're doing okay. Um, is it alright if we borrow Aaron, actually?" I answered.

"Oh, yeah. I gotta' meet Marie anyway. See you later!"

He quickly left after that, leaving the three of us to stand around in awkward silence before Aaron decided to break it. "I assume you talked to your parents?"

"I did," I confirm with a small nod of my head.

"Let's go talk in Alpha's James' office," Aaron suggested, turning to head upstairs.

We followed behind him, Joshua keeping his firm grip on my hand the entire time. I was glad he was here for this discussion. If there was information about me, he deserved to know it, too. He was my mate after all. We soon stopped in front of the office, its doors shut. Aaron knocked briefly and Alpha James answered a moment later. "Aaron," he greeted first before noticing Joshua and me. "Oh. Are we ready to continue that discussion?"

"Yes," I said.

He nodded, opening the door wider. "Come in."

We settled ourselves into the loveseat we'd used before and Alpha James and Aaron sat on the couch opposite of us. "Alright, so your parents told you about your...condition, correct?"

"They did. They told me they tried to get rid of whatever made me special, but they couldn't."

Alpha James nodded. "Right, yes. They made such a tough decision, but they had your best interests at heart."

"I'm not here to discuss whether they made the right decision or not," I explain boldly. "I'm here to get answers from both of you."

"Of course," the alpha confirmed, rubbing his chin. "Is there anything, in particular, you have a question about right now?"

"Why does no one else know about these kind of...abilities? Why did my dad know about it but not my mom?"

Alpha James decided to answer this one. "Not many know about it. As a top-ranking warrior, he was briefed on this sort of stuff. Most people in a position of power are aware of people possessing these strange abilities. Outside of them, not many others know. It's safer for everyone that way."

I could accept that. It was better that people weren't hunted down because of their abilities or anything like that. "Okay. Are there other people in our pack who are special?" I asked out of pure curiosity.

"I don't think it is wise to reveal anything just yet," Alpha James stated carefully. "But you're not alone."

"Well, obviously. Aaron has an ability, right?" I said, looking to my friend.

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