Chapter 2 - Hoodies

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"Ugh, I'm so tired," Farah groaned next to me dramatically, tilting her head back.

I sighed at that, grabbing my bag and keys. The day had been long, but it was finally time to head back. Looking at the whining girl, I walked past her, opening the door. "If you're so tired, head home. I'm closing up."

"Don't have to tell me twice. See you tomorrow, boss. Have a good night," she said as she left the cafe, waving back to me.

I watched her get into her car and drive off, closing up once she had left. I looked up at the darkened sky, inhaling the sweet smell of the outdoors. It was a bit chilly tonight, but nothing too bad. I began my walk back to the packhouse. I didn't live there, but since Erin did with his family, I tended to stop by a lot. I actually had my own house a little way from the packhouse. It was small but homey.

Soon enough, I arrived back to the large structure that was our packhouse. Like a small apartment building, it was well over four stories tall, with two floors sectioned off for the alpha's, beta's, and gamma's families. The floor below those held the conference rooms and offices the higher ranks all used, including the Alpha and Beta. Below that were extra rooms, mainly for visitors. The bottom floor was a common area for all of us. Our pack was big enough to be an entire town, but we did have events that brought us all together often. We had dinners and barbecues, days where we all went to the nearby lake, and even a monthly run. The run was one of our favorite events. The whole pack participated. It brought us all together as a pack, but also let our wolves have a little freedom.

We were actually supposed to have a run in a few days. I wondered if we'd invite Alpha Kristen and her companions to join us. I was sure they wouldn't be here for just one day. It would be fun to have new people to run with. My wolf and I didn't always lead the pack or anything with our speed, but we still enjoyed the time to stretch our legs. I know my wolf was grateful he could at least enjoy that.

I walked right into the packhouse, looking around for Erin. I saw him with Aaron and Ryder, his beta and gamma. Ryder noticed me and waved from the kitchen, a beer can in his other hand. "Wren, come join us," he called, smiling.

They all seemed to be enjoying some free time. I walked over, heading to Erin. He smiled down at me, reaching out to cup my face and bring it up, planting a gentle kiss on my lips. I hummed, kissing him back happily. He pulled away when we heard our friends acting like idiots, whistling and making a fuss. I rolled my eyes at them, heading to the fridge to grab a beer can as well. The kitchen was large enough to fit at least seven people at a time, with sleek counters and an island in the center. It had to be when large events were held. The people cooking needed as many hands on deck as possible, so they also required plenty of space.

I walked back over, leaning on the counter next to Erin. "You guys finished?" I asked them, referring to the whole thing with the visitors. Aaron nodded his head, taking a sip of his drink. "Yeah. Finished an hour ago."

"Thank goodness, too. I was so bored. I lost focus halfway through," Ryder admitted with a groan, whining when Aaron hit him over the head.

"It's our job to handle that kind of stuff. We're going to be in charge soon."

I watched them begin to bicker with a smile, my smile widening when I felt my lover's strong arm wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I turned my head to look at him, having to tilt it a bit to look him fully in the eye. I wasn't that short, but Erin was an alpha and alphas were naturally extremely tall. I'm sure if I wasn't born so messed up, I would've been a bit taller. I pushed that thought away the moment it came, knowing I shouldn't think like that. It made me feel emotions I didn't like to feel.

"Hey. Mind if I stay the night?" I asked him, setting my beer down.

"Of course. You don't have to ask, Wren. I love it when you stay over," Erin told me, leaning down to kiss my temple.

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