Chapter 13 - Assumptions

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When I saw Aaron and Joshua walk off together, I didn't know why, but my chest tightened ever so slightly. As far as I knew, the two had barely interacted before. Maybe they'd grown close since they both lived at the packhouse? I wasn't sure. Still, I found it odd. Aaron's behavior around Joshua was odd too. I wasn't even sure how to describe it, but it almost felt like Aaron was holding something back when it came to his interactions with Joshua. At least, that's what it felt like from the few times I'd seen them together.

After some thought, I figured asking Joshua about it made the most sense. If I asked Aaron, I worried he'd keep something hidden from me; he tended to keep personal stuff away from us if he felt like it would burden us. Still, I didn't exactly know where the mate conclusion came from. Maybe it'd been in the back of my head the entire time and it finally made sense. I didn't know. But, asking Joshua that felt right. Like it clicked or something. And apparently I might've been on to something because Joshua's face quickly morphed into one of shock the moment I finished my question.


Heat flooded my cheeks as I tried to explain myself. "Well, I mean, you two have been kind of awkward around each other, and it kind of makes sense, I guess. Aaron hasn't found his mate yet, and you both have plenty of time to be together at the packhouse to try and work stuff out. Am I wrong? Are you two not mates?"

Joshua opened his mouth to say something, but an arm was suddenly flung over my shoulder, pulling me away from Joshua. "Wren, Joshua, are y'all ready to go now?" Ryder asked excitedly.

I looked around and realized the others were back and ready to go hunting for dinner now. I guess mine and Joshua's conversation had to be cut short for now. Still, I wanted to figure this out. If they were mates, then maybe I could help them. Joshua had been trying to help me with my own mate issues, so why couldn't I do the same? Oddly enough, that thought didn't sit right with me.

"Yeah, we're ready," Joshua said, smiling.

He quickly stood up and Ryder and I followed. I could feel someone's stare on me and it made me aware of him again. I desperately tried to avoid looking back at him in fear of what could happen, and instead focused on Ryder's excited ramblings as he guided us away from the campfire. The others followed as we walked further into the forest. After stripping and shifting, we all stood in a group. We'd already decided to not stray far from the campsite and track any nearby animals large enough to feed all six of us. Within two hours, we had caught a nice-sized deer and brought it back to camp. It was nice being in a hunting group. I hadn't been in many before because of my wolf, but it was something fun to experience with my closest friends.

After we'd brought it back to camp to skin and prepare to cook, I'd decided to stay in wolf form for a bit. Even if we were small, my wolf and I liked to be in that form. It was compact and cozy, especially when Marie brought a blanket over and draped it over our body. I watched the others work, trying my best not to look at Erin for too long. He looked so handsome, even when he was doing something as simple as cooking meat. My eyes slowly began to slide shut, though, as the exhaustion of the hunt finally caught up with me. So warm.

"Hey, so what are we going to do about tent arrangements?" Marie's voice cut through the peaceful silence, and my eyes quickly peeked back open.

"Well, obviously, you and I are getting a tent together, Marie-bear," Ryder said with a wink, to which Marie hit him lightly on the arm.

"I told you not to call me that in front of others."

"But it's so cute! You're my lil' Marie-bear."

Ryder reached out from his seat on a log to pull her to him, since she was still standing. Even in the firelight, I could tell her cheeks were stained red with embarrassment. Still, from the smile she fought hard to hide, I could tell she enjoyed Ryder's antics anyway. I felt a small pang of jealousy shoot through me as I watched them. They looked so happy together. Ever since my conversation with Joshua, it seemed that mates have been on my mind. A small huff left my wolf as we kept our head on our paws. He'd pushed forward a bit more for some reason, probably because I was feeling such raw emotion while in wolf form; he was stronger when we were in this form anyway.

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