Chapter 20 - Sweet Moments

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After the meeting, Alpha James let us go. I could tell we were all still processing the information given. We barely said anything and parted ways. Joshua and I got back into my car after dropping off Aaron's stuff and drove to my house. The ride there was filled with tense silence. Joshua's hand in mine was a comfort I didn't know what I would've done without. And by the tight grip, I could tell he felt the same.

My mind felt almost numb. I'd thought my pack was being attacked but like this? Killing innocent people and defacing their bodies for the whole world to see? The fact that the rogues left such a chilling note behind set us all on edge. I felt bad for Joshua; he didn't have to be around to see all this. He could've been happy back in Whitewater, blissfully unaware of the horrors here. Still, I doubted he regretted meeting me in the process. I didn't regret meeting him.

When we arrived at my house, we both sat still in our seats as I turned the engine off. I couldn't look at my mate because of the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. Warm arms pulled me as close as possible given our positions, tucking my head into Joshua's neck. I could feel the slight tremble in his strong body and the dam finally broke. A strained sob escaped me as I let out my fear and sorrow.

Joshua let me mourn for those innocent people and express my fears as best as I could. After a few minutes, I was able to stop crying, but I, too, started to tremble ever so slightly. "Joshua, I'm so..."

"I know."




After some time to gather ourselves and exit the car, we entered my house. The cozy home made me feel a bit more at ease. Joshua looked around, dropping his bags by the stairs. My house was small, but mine. The stairs led up to a loft bedroom and downstairs held everything else. Joshua walked over to a wall, looking at all the pictures I had up. A lot of them were with my family, but some of them were with my friends, too. He smiled lightly, reaching up to brush his finger over a picture of me graduating high school. "You're so young."

I walked over, looking at the picture as well. "Yeah."

Beside me, Erin had his arm over my shoulder while Ryder and Aaron were shot mid-laugh. I remember they'd been teasing me over how I actually managed to graduate. Just because they were older didn't mean they had to pick on me about it. Marie wasn't in the picture since she hadn't met Ryder yet. She turned eighteen the next year, which is the age when our mate senses fully awaken.

I remember when I turned eighteen. All around me, people were counting down the days until they finally turned that magical age. A lot of my classmates quickly found their mates after that, but not everyone. Some weren't eighteen yet, or couldn't find their mates in the pack. Still, everyone had been so excited. But I remember dreading the day I turned eighteen. I didn't want to face such a lonely reality. I'd been so convinced that I'd never meet my mate and Erin and I hadn't started dating yet. I'd felt so hopeless.

I didn't now, though.

I looked up at Joshua as he turned to face me. "I'm tired," I admitted, but he knew I didn't mean just physically tired.

It was barely entering the evening time. The sun hadn't even started setting yet. Joshua nodded his head, leaning down slightly to kiss my temple. "Let's eat and do something to unwind. I think we need to clear our heads."

I felt warmth flow through my body at how gentle he was. It was nice to feel these new sensations. I'd never thought I'd get to experience such bliss. I leaned up, intending to give a quick peck to his lips, but Joshua caught me around the waist and deepened the kiss. He made sure to keep it slow and sweet, though. I relaxed against his body, enjoying the simple moment. As we pulled away, I noticed how bright his eyes were. "You have really pretty eyes," I mumbled.

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