Chapter 12 - He Knows

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Holding Wren had to be one of my new favorite things. The feel of his small frame against mine made me feel so... whole. The sparks that traveled throughout my body, along with the sweet smell of blueberries and something uniquely Wren, were addicting. I didn't want to pull away - why would I? - but I eventually had to.

Wren smiled at me, his beautiful, dark eyes glancing away for a moment. "I think we should get back on the road. We were already behind the others, so they might worry if we're too late."

I nodded, getting one last look at him before settling back into my seat. My chest felt warm and fuzzy and it was definitely better than the pain I'd been feeling lately. Since deciding to stay in Wren's pack for a little, the daily visits to his cafe have helped with my rejection symptoms, but the pain hasn't lessened much.

Admittedly, I almost told him the whole truth just now. I was so close. I don't know why I suddenly felt so impatient. Maybe it was the constant pain, or because Erin would be on this trip with us, so I worried they'd get back together. It was a selfish thought and I decided against telling him the truth when I realized how selfish I was being. Now wasn't the time. Not yet. I had to tell him soon, of course. I couldn't wait forever, and he didn't deserve to feel betrayed if I did tell him a while from now.

I hoped that this chat we had would make him hope again; just a small spark was enough for me. I knew I could make him happy if only he would believe in it.




When we arrived at the campsite, the others had already started unpacking and setting up tents. The three of us - I forgot Aaron was even in the car with us if I was being honest - quickly joined them. I kept glancing over at Wren to make sure he didn't need any help, but he seemed fine for now. I did notice him steal glances at Erin, but I tried not to let it bother me. He was my mate, but until I told him that, I had no right to feel jealous.


I quickly looked up when I heard that voice call my name. I hadn't heard it many times before, so I was confused when I saw Aaron standing before me, a cool look on his face. "Help me set up this tent," he said.


I walked away with him, glancing over at Wren one last time, who was also looking at us with a slightly puzzled look on his adorable face. I turned back to face forward as Aaron went to a spot in the clearing and dropped a bag holding tent equipment. We silently got to work and I tried to stay out of his way while we did. I didn't know Aaron well - I mean, I didn't know any of them really well - but from what I'd seen, he wasn't someone I wanted to mess with. We were silent the entire time until he suddenly spoke up.

"I know."

I paused, looking up from my crouching position in front of the semi-assembled tent. "What?"

"I know that Wren's your mate."

My heart stopped for a split second as my eyes widened. Quickly scrambling up, I glanced around, trying to make sure no one else was around. "What are you talking about?"

Aaron rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "It's so obvious. For one, you've hung around us all way too much, when you should be with your mate. I know you have issues with them. Also, you're not very careful with how much you stare at Wren. I'm surprised no one else has caught on. You're at his cafe every morning and whenever I pass by, I see you practically shadowing Wren."


"And also, you made it very obvious with that whole talk in the car."

I didn't think my eyes could get any wider. "You were awake the wh-"

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