4. Table chasers

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Irene poked her head through the hall's door. She had followed Drac after he dragged Johnny out of the sauna.

The head of the hotel was currently giving Johnny a majorly bad impersonation of his generation. "I can't believe you stuck around, man. You don't get it. Bad things are coming your way." He rushed a few steps aside and panicked. "I got to get my thoughts together." He panted. "Okay." He stepped back. "You see these tables?" He referred to the round restaurant tables that were covered in white sheets. "You can spend the entire day pulling them out and placing them, party planner." He ran away from the human.

"Fantastic, I'm trapped here." Johnny stomped to one end of the room. "Now I know how your daughter feels."

Irene winced. "Better not to go there." She said to herself.

Drac, frowning, slicked his hair back. He perked up when a scraping sound emitted. It was the table that Johnny was forcefully moving scratching against the shiny floors. "Enough! Enough!" Dracula called out. "Stop!" He was in front of the table that Johnny was moving. "Go to a corner, you're in a time out." He pointed, eyes wide.

"Timeout? I'm a grown man!" The boy complained.

Dracula used his magic to send the redhead to the corner, making him sit mid-air, put his thumb in his mouth and turn around. Poor Johnny. Finally, Drac made the human sit on the floor, facing the wall.

The vampire turned. "Okay." He clapped. "Table 57, please move to position 23. The table closest to Johnny now had eyes to match it's milky, stereotypical cartoon ghost blanket. It hovered and obeyed Dracula. Johnny stood, faced it, and awed.

"That is cool." Johnny still had his thumb in his mouth.

"Face the wall." Dracula used his magic again to turn him around. "17 to 48. 16 to 47, 19 to 50."

"Awesomeness." He giggled when the tables landed.

"Just let me do my work." He growled. Johnny fell to the ground trying to pry his thumb from his lips. "29 to 35. 42 to 18, 10 to 44."

Johnny wandered amongst the tables. "17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23." He counted under his breath. He leapt onto one. "36 up!" The table gasped when its face appeared and it noticed the purple-painted human. The table rose. It flew around, trying to buck him off. "Woah!" He laughed. When the table simply drifted, Johnny was on his back, wide eyed.

Drac stared at the table. "31 to 19." He ordered. The table clashed with Johnny's, knocking the boy off. He landed on a grounded table. Dracula was smirking. Irene chuckled into her hand.

Johnny groaned. He grinned at Dracula, who had his back turned. He took this as a challenge. "24, up." The table he was on ascended.

"7 to 25. 14 to 30." Dracula said. The table Johnny had zipped passed him. Drac, shocked at first, grinned maliciously.

Johnny acted as if he was Aladdin on his flying carpet, laughing aloud. He looked around. "Oh, where'd you go, grandpa?"

Drac was upside down, face in front of Johnny's. "Don't freak out, gravity face." He sat on an upside down table.

Johnny laughed. "Eat my dust, grey fangs!" He flew off.

Drac was now upright. "56 to 43, to my side." The three chased Johnny, who whooped and laughed boisterously. He was having a blast.

"Prepare to cry, Billy Backpack!" Drac called out, fangs bared playfully, eyes wide and hand held like bear claws.

"That's how we do it, half-pipe, baby!" Johnny exclaimed. His table rubbed against the ceiling like a skateboard.

"Whatever." Drac smirked, flying away from Johnny.

"Those two table chasers seem to be having fun." Irene laughed to herself, walking down the hallway.

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