3. Party planner

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"I'm throwing a party, and he's helping." Dracula lied through his fangs. Irene looked at him.

The knight stand in the room spoke, and Johnny cowered behind Dracula's large exterior. "Sir! There's an emergency."

"Not now." Dracula said, Johnny peaking over his shoulder. "Can't you see we're in the middle of something very normal, here?" He asked. Mavis was eyeing him suspiciously.

Johnny walked off as Mavis spoke: "Wait, what's going on here? There's an emergency in your precious hotel and you're not running to fix it?" She grinned. Johnny flipped the lid on the knight's helmet. He swatted the redhead away. "Why? It it because of him?"

He looked into the reflection of the knight's chest plate. "Whoa, look at my face!"

The three vampires watched. "Alright," Irene began, "I'm going, kiddos. I can't be dealing with this."


At the pool, Irene wore a beautiful black bikini (on top) in her invisible form. Wanda, a Gargoyle, the Missing Link, Yeti, Ms. Skeleton and another participant all did water aerobics along with the instructor who voiced commands: Mr. Fly Sr..

Irene clutched her drink and took a sip. She approached the barbeque table where Frank ordered: "Let me get a bubonic moose nose omelette with cockroach paste and mouse jelly." The large man ordered. "Oh, y'know, a-and with egg whites." He added.

The Zombie groaned and began preparing. Frank stepped aside in waiting. The undead creature looked up at Irene after her gust of wind bequeathed her visibility. Her violet eyes widened and she hummed: "Oh, just the Dodo..." she paused, "and on second thought, slather it with rat guts and yak brains; I know it's fattening, but... I just fee like it, you know? Oh, and don't forget a litre of whale and hippo blood!" She turned invisible again.

Frank approached her as the Zombie continued with his order and began hers, "Hey, 'Rene, what's up? You only eat that when you're worried or depressed. What's up?"

"Nothing, just..." she wanted to say Johnny and Griffin, but she knew better.

"Look, we all know that Gryfferin isn't real." Frank grinned. Irene looked up at him and nodded. "Well, Eunice and Wanda don't - actually, Wanda might, but that's besides the point, we're not entirely sure if Griffin does, he probably doesn't want to admit that he doubts you."

Irene swallowed hard: "Why's that? I mean; how come?"

"Look, Irene, you needa stop." The Zombie groaned and the Stein picked up his plate, stacked up with his order. "You're his Reenie, he likes you - a lot. A Monster only zings once in his life and the way that you talk about him... it's as if you zinged with him, as well. Listen, he's not gonna hang 'round forever. Make your move or let him make his. I don't get why you try to hide from it."

The Zombie handed the woman her plate, she turned visible and gave an awed and confused look. "Frank..." she was agape. The Stein walked back to his table. She faded back into transparency.

After awhile, everyone began hopping on the backs of others after a misunderstanding. Johnny marched in with a sea monster on his back, announcing a chicken-fight. Mavis was on the back of another sea creature and every monster, spare Drac and Irene and a few of the old monsters and staff. Murray was on Griffin's back and Eunice, laughing, on the Missing Link's. The two fought happily.

Irene stayed back, observing, eating her comfort food and drink, contemplating what Frank had said. "Okay," Drac announced, "calm down with the fight chickens! Everyone stop the roughhousing!" He was ignored. Murray's wife sat on a pedestal, observing her significant other with a lustful gleam. The massive eel rushed in with some of the werepups on his back.

The Zing of Longtime Friends | Griffin, The Invisible Man [ONGOING]Where stories live. Discover now