Chapter 4

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|(Y/N)'s POV|

"(Y/N)!!!! Good Morning you big goofball!"

I turned to the side and saw Ai waving over to me. With a net in one hand, she waved like a little child with her other as she saw me. Behind her was Yu and Alfonso. They turned around after realizing Ai stopped walking with them and saw me. Both were holding a pair of fishing rods. Pretty flimsy rod too...

"Oh hey whats up (Y/N)!" Yu smiled and they all motioned me over.

I put my phone... er, Nook Phone back into my pocket and began to sprint over to where they were. As I was running, I noticed that I had begun panting despite just starting to run. Wow, was I THAT out of shape? I guess I gotta start those online workout videos again...

I finally arrived alongside Ai and the rest of the gang who were waiting.

"Hey! I'm surprised you're up early!" Ai said in a preppy tone. "Glad that you decided to get the worm eh?"

"Heh, uh, yeah" I said between breaths. Gosh, I felt pathetic. I used to be so active and even bounced off the walls alongside Ai when we were younger...

Alfonso suddenly yelled out, "YU LOOK! A FISH! CMON!" He began to sprint towards a nearby river.

"Huh? H-Hey wait up!" Yu quickly tagged alongside Alfonso.

Me and Ai turned to each other and shrugged. We followed along but walked rather than run.

"So, how was your sleep?" Ai asked.

"It was..." I paused, "..Interesting."

"Oooo!" Ai's eyes glimmered with excitement. "What was it about?"

"Eh..." I trailed, "I-I kinda forgot the uh.. The dream." I lied. "But what about you? When I woke up I was so surprised to see you gone."

"Hm? Oh! Yeah!" She giggled. "I just couldn't contain myself from all the excitement and woke up extra early. Stretched a bit, went out for a morning jog... you know, just gettin all the jitters out!"

"Hey, about that" I interrupted. "C-could you erm." I felt so embarrassed to say this despite being so comfortable with Ai, "Can I join you? In the workouts and stuff..?"

Ai's face lit up, "Yeah! Of course! It's so much more fun to workout with a workout buddy!"

I sighed in relief. What was I thinking, Ai would never judge me.. and besides, she would be too excited to even think about that.

"Oh I'll order us some matching workout outfits.. I'll make some meals...! Oh! And we can try a new workout schedule by this new blogger! I think her name is Chloe?" Ai began to trail on.

As we arrived at the edge of the side of the river where Yu and Alfonso stood, their yells and yelps drowned out Ai's monologuing.

"DUDE REEL IT IN!!" Yu yelled.

"THAT'S WHAT I'M DOING!" Alfonso struggled as he began to tug back on the flimsy rod that looked like it was about to split in any second.

"NO DUDE, YOU GOTTA DO IT LIKE THIS!" Yu suddenly let go of his rod and reached for Alfonso's. He began to tug it back, trying to help him pull the stubborn fish out.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Alfonso screeched, "YOU'RE GONNA BREAK-!"


The rod suddenly split in half just as Alfonso predicted. The fish swiftly swam away into the depths of the river bed and they were left with only one fishing rod left.

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