48. Saved By Yours Truly

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Christopher was the first thought in my head. Could it be true? Had he come for me? But how? I left no evidence, and he couldn't have found me in the middle of the ocean, off to another country.

Daniel was just as surprised as I was, but he wiped away his tears. "Let them come," he said.

My breathing hitched, and I knew Daniel heard it, but he chose to ignore it. Silas looked him wildly in the eyes.

"What are ye talking about, ye wanker? These are pirates. They are here to rob us blind and probably kill us!" He screamed, flying his arms in the air.

"No, they're not," Daniel said, but I could sense a bit of tension in his tone.

"Did you not hear me? Kill. These men are here that are goin' te kill us, and I haven't even got paid yet!"

More confident, Daniel ordered, "Slow the ship dammit!"

Silas froze in place for a moment or two, looking back between Daniel and me before swinging his arm up in the air and saying, "Ye know what? Die! See if I care." He pointed to Daniel. "I'll be in your quarters. I know ye have liquor in there. And you!" He pointed to me.

He pointed to me of all people.

"You suddenly became my favorite on this damn ship." And he left, well, ran away. I thought for a second because he was scared, but then I realized it was for the alcohol. His first instinct before dying was to hit the liquor. Why was I not surprised?

With Silas gone, Daniel turned to me and gave me a small smile before heading to what I presumed was the wheel while I was left alone, trying to dry up my tears.

I was going home.

I wiped my tears away with my sleeve and walked to a stack of plates on a table. I grabbed one and a fork before pilling the plate with now cooked potatoes on the stove. I put down the plate on a table before grabbing another and did the same, laying it down beside the first one.

At least when I left, I could relax knowing that I did one thing, even if it was as simple as pilling potatoes. I sighed to myself and smiled for the first time in a long time. Christopher was going to be here, and everything was going to be all right. But that was until I heard the shouting.

I raced outside, ignoring the bitter cold that was now in the air. I stopped short when I saw the familiar ship parked next to the one I was one, and Christopher holding Daniel's throat over the ledge.

Brushing away the last few tears from my face, I yelled for both of then to stop. Christopher turned around; his teeth ground together.

"Anne," he said, seeing me. He turned back to Daniel and let him go.

I raced toward them, stopping when I saw the condition of Christopher. He was still in his tailcoat from the ball, only the once clean work of fabric was now dirty. And his cravat was missing. I looked over the rest of him, taking note of his bloodshot eyes and shaking body. It was like he was drunk.

"Anne," he repeated and took a step forward. I stayed where I was and glance over at Daniel, who was watching us, stiff.

I looked back at Christopher. "You came back," I said to more to myself than to him.

He took another step forward. "Of course, I did. I would never leave you."

He would never leave me. The words lingered in the air for a while before I could say anything. And when I didn't, Christopher turned back to Daniel.

"You! What were you planning to do with her!"

Standing tall, Daniel folded his arms behind his back and said, "I planned to marry the girl I grew up with."

Christopher, dumbfounded of the news, looked at me. "You knew him? You knew Daniel?"

I straightened. "I did. Daniel was my best friend, and still is if he wants to be." I looked at Daniel, and he gave a small smile, even though I knew it hurt him. He was willing to overlook it and moved on.

Christopher, though, wouldn't have it and walked up to Daniel and grabbed a fistful of his shirt. "You kidnapped her. Why?" He growled. "Did you do this because of me!"

Daniel wasn't backing down. He thinned his lips and said, "No, I didn't. I love her. But if you want to bring yourself into this, then yes, in some way, I did it because of you. You took it all away from me. Father never paid mind to me. It was all about his darling Christopher, wasn't it?"

I wanted to leap between the two, but I knew I had no part in this argument. This argument was between brothers."

Christopher's eyes narrowed. "You know I never card for what Father wanted."

"Yet, you had everything. You had Father's attention, money, and career. What did he leave me? Nothing. That old bastard didn't even offer me anything. I should have gotten his title, his money, and his manor. It was mine," Daniel shot back.

Christopher let go of Daniel and stepped away, this time trying to understand his brother.

Daniel went on. "And when you disappeared, I was overjoyed. You left your title and everything else, and it was up for grabs. But Father didn't even glance direction. He wanted you back."

"How is he now?" Christopher asked, and I sensed there was something in his tone. It was desperation.

"Still working. The man won't speak to anyone, hardly my mother."

Christopher sighed. "I'm sorry, Daniel."

"No, not ye," Daniel said, pointing his finger at him. "You took her; you took Anne. She was the only thing that was mine that you could never touch, and yet you stole her from me, just like you steal everything else."

Christopher was about to interject, but Daniel continued. "But I have overlooked that. It may be hard, but I'm letting her go. If it makes her happy to be with you, then so be it."

Daniel looked at me, furrowing his brows. "I don't want to tie her down. "

He turned back to Christopher. "And I trust you can give her the adventure and the life she seeks?"

Christopher glanced at me and smiled. "That I can if she will have me."

-----The End-----

Don't worry, there is an epilogue coming!


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