5. Raided Not Traded

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I woke up that next morning to find Christopher untying me. No, it's true, he was untying me. But there was something in the way that looked that told me it wasn't because he wanted to - it was because he had to. He was so determined to get me out that he didn't notice that I've woken up yet.

What was going on? I doubted a miracle had appeared because I was still on that stupid ship, but hey, anything could happen at that point. And I mean, anything.

But, he looked distressed with his brows scrunched up, and everything. It was time I knew what was going on.

"What happened? Why are you untying me? Wait, are you finally taking me home?"

He didn't answer me and continued working on the task at hand. God, what was it with him and ignoring me?

"You know, it's rude not to answer someone when they are talking to you," I said, rolling my eyes.

That time, he lifted his head, but only for a split second before he went back to untying. Hoping to get a reaction out of him, I wiggled a bit.

"Stop that. I'm working," Christopher said, annoyed.

"So he speaks? Then tell me this: why are you untying me!"

Finally, he stopped and glanced up at me, tensing up. He sighed. "Don't panic, alright?"

I sighed. "Fine, now spill."

"We're under attack."


I wiggled to get loose, but with the ropes still around me, I didn't get far. I just pissed Christopher off.

"I told you not to panic!" He whined.

I stopped my wiggling and looked at him. "You tell me we're under attack, and you tell me not to panic? What, you expect me to take that calmly?" I screamed.

"I expect you to follow my orders! And right now, you need to stay still so I can bloody untie you!" He yelled back.

I mumbled some unladylike curses under my breath, but I held still. No way was I going to get passed around again. Even if being on Christopher's ship was hard enough, imagine what it would be like on that other pirate's ship? Where would that take me?

"Done!" Christopher said, throwing his arms up. Free, I stood up and dusted my dress out—stupid decks.

"Okay, genius, now what? Plan on stuffing me in the back with all the other goodies?" I said, looking at him.

He smirked. Oh, no. "Something like that," he said and grabbed my arm, pulling me down the deck with him to a hallway toward a room.

"Where the bloody hell are you taking me?" I screamed.

"Well, obviously to where you're not in the way unless you want to fight. I wouldn't mind seeing that." He said with a chuckle.

I groaned. "I bet you would like that, huh?"

"Ye bet."

Finally, we stopped in front of the mysterious oak door, and Christopher turned to me and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"Whatever you do or whatever you hear, do not come out of this room, alright? Not for anything."

I began to feel a little bit anxious, then. Bloody hell, the things those pirates go through was keeping me on my toes!

"Um, alright. When do I come out?" I asked, sounding scared.

"Not until I come and get you. You should be safe in my quarters for now," Christopher said and opened the door, revealing his bedroom inside.

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