28. Tricks And Obeying

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Christopher knew something was wrong with the girl he saved. It took a lot to get this girl to cry, seeing as she didn't even shed a tear when he rescued her. So what was troubling her?

In the bookstore, Christopher watched a while as the girl browsed through the shelves. While he shrunk away to the history and philosophical section, he glanced at the girl, finding her where the maps and atlases were.

He watched as she pulled out a map, looked over her shoulder, and saw that it was a map of the Galapagos. He smiled. Finally, a woman that cared about something that didn't have anything to do with the latest fashion!

Christopher became rather fond of the girl. He enjoyed her company and was quite impressed with her ability to challenge him. No woman had ever done that before.

Anne didn't fall to his feet like all the other women he pursued. She didn't play wasteless games with him, nor was she soft-spoken and timid.

It was attractive.

But Christopher wasn't a man to fall in love with, not in the least. He wasn't a gentleman any lady would marry. He was a man of adventure, risks, and chances. Surely no woman could fall victim to such dangers. Besides, he was a pirate. He didn't need anyone.

Pretending to flip through the pages of a biography of Thomas Hobbs, he glanced over at Anne, noticing that she curled her lips when she studied something. She flipped the page of the book, revealing the given insights into the land.

He moved in closer and heard as Anne read to herself over the islands' beauty and history. It sparked Christopher's interest when he watched her smile over the flowers and vegetation grown there.

There was no denying the good-looks of Anne. He liked it best, though, when she rolled her eyes, but he didn't say anything about it. He thought it was uniquely unusual for a woman to do to a man. But it was just another example of Anne being so different. It was like she woke up from the fantasy that society had built into the minds of women.

After looking through the book for a few more minutes, Anne shut the book and moved to the popular section, picking up Pride and Prejudice. She flipped through the pages, reading words here and there, and again, she furrowed her brows and read to herself.

Christopher thought back to seeing Anne for the first time, He couldn't just leave her on that ship, but he could also use her, even if it were for his dirty work. Besides, he wanted a little excitement.

And what kind of pirate would he be if he didn't take what he wanted?



After checking out a few more shops, Christopher and I headed back to the mansion, where Katherine greeted us just as we walked through the door, a relieved expression on her powdery face.

"There you are! I've been wondering where you'd get back, Christopher!"

Oh, how I wanted to roll my eyes.

Christopher smiled and said, "Well, we are back now. And not late, I hope. Still, enough time to clean up before dinner?"

The girl blinked, but after a moment or two, she put on a flirty smile. "Yes, Dinner shall be ready in, I believe thirty minutes? Yes, thirty, that is right."

"Excellent," Christopher said. "We shall be in our room then. Goodbye, Katherine." And he dragged me up the stairs as if in a rush to get away from the little vixen.

I felt a little bad for her. Too bad, she was hopelessly in love with a pirate. Oh, well.

Once we were in our room, Christopher closed the door, and I moved to sit on the bed.

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