34. Behavior

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After Katherine and I finished trying on our gowns (Katherine's, of course, being expensive), Lady Wheat finally let us to our own devices.

It was early in the afternoon, being a couple of hours before dinner, and so I decided to take my book and read it in the beautiful garden outside.

I had often read here over the last couple of days, seeing as it was one of the quietest spots around. The environment was peaceful with seasonal flowers planted and fresh leaves on the ground, blown from trees around.

It was also early autumn, so there hadn't been any too cold weather yet, and I could still feel the warm touch of the sun's rays. Though there was a slightly chilly breeze added to the mixture, I didn't need anything more than a shawl around my shoulders.

Yes, it was perfect - magnificent, even.

I took a seat on the bench that looked out onto the middle of the garden's fountain. It was of a half-dressed woman looking out onto the place.

What a wondrous sight. What a great place to read.

I opened my book to the chapter to where I left off and began to read. It could have been hours that I sat there reading, enjoying myself, reading the thoughts and actions of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth, bloody hell, it sure felt like it, but it was only a little while after when I felt the presence of another person.


He took a sear next to me and let out a long sigh, and from the corner of my eye, he was gazing out across the flowers and leaves.

"I can see you're at the end of the book. How is it?" He asked, completely relaxed, different from when he sounded like he was walking on eggshells. It struck me odd, but I went along with it, not wanting to ruin the mood.

"Respectably pleasant, I must say. Darcy and Elizabeth kissed and are going to get married."

"Do you like Darcy now? Did you see how different he could be?"

I bookmarked the book and shut it closed, before turning to Christopher. He was eyeing me, and I noticed his outstretched body, not at all how a gentleman sat.


He chuckled. I missed that sound. "Why did that sound like a question?" He asked.

"Well, why did he change like that? People like Darcy don't change like that."

Christopher smiled enormously. Something was hiding behind that smile; I just knew it. "He changed for her," he said, proudly.

"For her?"

"They changed for each other—Darcy with his pride against classes and Elizabeth with her prejudice against Darcy and him alike. They learned to see past each other's masks. That's why they love each other."

I sighed. "I don't understand," I said, gazing up at Christopher. I connected eyes with him and looked deep into his eyes - his golden-brown eyes. God, I could gaze at them all day.

With a smile still playing on his lips, he said, "Ever been in love, darling?"

I froze. Did that pirate just-? Yes, yes, he did—Christopher, the man that asked these uncomfortable questions. How could I forget who I was talking too?

The question took me by surprise, and I instinctively thought of Daniel. Did I love Daniel? Yes. But did I love him like that? I didn't know if I did.

I felt safe around him, sure. He was my best friend. If I married him, he and I would have been peacefully happy together, but was that enough? Could I live with only that?

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