12. There Will Be Blood!

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I may not have known Christopher fully, but I knew him well enough to know that a man of his profession usually didn't have books in their quarters. It just proved that Captain Christopher Taylor was no dummy.

I couldn't lie; it was one of the things that made me different from the men on that ship. That meant I couldn't tell Christopher about the event that had occurred, so I did the only thing I could do: hint the truth without actually saying it.

And judging from the small smile that curled up Christopher's lips, he got my hint.

"Well, Anne," Christopher said with a wink. "I believe that you've just earned the right to go back to sleep. You may go back to your room."

I noded with a small smile and walked past him to the stairs, only to be caught by the arm. He lowered his mouth to my ear. "Does he have any weapons on him?"

I gave a slight nod and pulled my mouth to his ear. "Yes, but if I were you, I would wait for the right moment to dispose of him," I said, smiling. "It would be much more fun, and I want to be awake for it."

Christopher nodded and whispered before he released my arm, "Oh, don't you worry. I tend to make a fool of him yet, but I need to know. Did he hurt you?"

I shook my head. "Good," he said and turned to Skip. " Skip, would you mind finishing up here?"

Skip noded. "Aye, of course, Cap'n," and then got right to work. If only he knew what awaited him. He messed with the wrong pirate captain.

I watched him for a moment, trying to see if he'd do anything worth seeing, but realized no, he wouldn't. Skip knew he acted suspiciously and that going for the kill right then would be a wrong move, and because of that, I ignored it and headed to bed.

Walking to my room, I thought about what Christopher had planned for Skip, when all of a sudden, I tripped on a loose board. I landed on the floor with a thud. I cursed under my breath. It looked like I did end up getting hurt that night.


"Is she ever going to wake up?"

"Cap'n, we did wear her out, she'll wake whenever she's ready."

"She's been asleep for a whole day, Fish! How do we know she's not ill?"

I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I would have slept longer if the peabrains outside weren't so loud. I moved to get up but stopped when I felt something wet beneath me, and I had a terrible feeling I knew what it was.

"Damn it!" I mumbled to myself and pulled back the sheets to find a small spot of blood.


"I'm telling ye Cap'n, nothin's wrong. Me sure she just exhausted from the excitement wees be puttin' her through."

"Fish, this is not right. I'm going to check up on her."

"Cap'n, no! She be a woman!"

"Not on board, she's not!" Christopher said, hearing his footsteps coming in my direction.

"Oh, no, no, no!" I whisper-shouted to myself. I managed to cover myself with the sheets just as the door swung open, but my work was pointless because he noticed that I was trying to hide something right off the bat.

"Anne?" He asked, looking at me curiously. He must not have thought I would be awake, let alone trying to cover up something. "Anne, what are you hiding?"

I bit the inside of my cheek. "Uh, um, none of your business?"

He rose a suspicious eyebrow and crossed his arms against his chest. "Is that so?" I gulped. Of all the times to come barging in my room, he chose then to do it?"

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