6. Heavy Books and Unconscious Men

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The footsteps got louder as they approached the door - the only thing separating me from my doom. I scrunched up into a smaller ball. What was I going to do if he came in? Was I going to fight?

I didn't know if I could fight, but when it came down to it, could I? I could sit and pretend I'm invisible. It could work if I were quiet enough. Maybe with luck in the case the pirate did come in, he wouldn't notice me.

In the case something were to happen, I jumped up and grabbed a pretty hefty book off the bookshelf and cradled it to my chest. After a moment or two of waiting with little noise, I stood up, and with the book held out in front of me, I crept to the door.

The boards creaked under my weight, but I kept going. There was no way I was going to stop. But just halfway to the door, a sudden pound on the door took my breath away. I yelped in fright.

Because of my stupidity, I heard the intruder laugh. "Who's in there?"

I bit the inside of my cheek and backed away. I looked around the room frantically to find something to hide under or to defend myself with, but nothing was available. Not even under the bed. My only choice was to fight. So fight, I was.

Hearing retreating footsteps, I knew what that meant. The idiot was going to throw himself against the door. Why couldn't he knock?

Swearing to myself, I readied my weapon. I was going to use all my body strength for this one. And if I was going to die, I was going to die trying.

Oh well.

So when the door opened and the intruder, a man with body odor worse than a wet dog, came in and flashed me a toothy grin, I raced forward and swung my book. I hit him right across the old' noggin. Take that you filthy animal.

With a thud, his body hit the ground hard. I was in shock then. I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry, but boy, did it feel good. Who knew I had it in me?

Quick as a bullet, I was out the door running down the hallway to the stairs leading up the deck, looking back just once to see if the pirate was unconscious, just as he should be. And to my relief, he was.

I crept up at the stairs slowly, and there, I found the crew fighting off the other ship's crew. From the look of it, we were doing just fine. Huh, I was expecting the worse.

Everyone on deck looked occupied, so I saw no problem ahead of me when I walked the rest of the way upstairs. There, I looked around to see if I could find Christopher hoping I could show him what I'm capable of when you mess with me, but he wasn't anywhere as far as I could see.

But you see, I didn't lookup.

Yup, when I finally set my eyes upon the wheel, I found Christopher fencing with what I assumed was the other ship's captain, judging from the cocky atmosphere around them.

They were stinking the air with their fumes of dominance. What was the deal with men? It's like they can't wait to get the chance to prove who the alpha was. It was just proof they were animals.

Wanting to see them closer (and make sure I stay unnoticed by the other ship's crew,) I hide on the stairs, peeking up. There, I heard the talk of the two men. And you know what they were discussing? Oh, just me.

"Aye, what ye plan te do with that wench anyhow?" the big nasty enemy pirate asked.

Christopher chuckled, throwing his body into the fight, pushing his opponent back a few steps. "I use her for various reasons. One of which I believe you know." I tightened my grip on the book in hand.

"Atta boy!" The enemy pirate said, stepping forward with his sword, making Christopher step back. "Ye wouldn't mind if me and the crew took the wench, would ye?"

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