Branding iron seal

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When lan zhan woke up his body was still sore. He slept for 4 days. Wei Ying looked at him. Wei Ying take out the the thing that's in the table. LAN zhan realized that it was branding iron seal with three words imprints on top surface: Wei Wuxain.


LAN zhan hands and legs are tied up. He can't use anything  to warn Wei Ying to step away.
Wei Ying expression was cold, he grabs lan zhan neck. "Stop, Wei Ying. Are you fucking Crazy!!!!"

"You're the one that's disobedient."

Wei Ying bring his face closer to lan zhan and he says: "I want to carve my name on your body"

"You can't do this!! I don't want it!!!"

"I can't do this???"Wei Ying yelled. "Aren't you mine!!! I am your Husband and I can definitely do this!!!"

"Wei ying I beg you don't do this!!"

"LAN zhan if anyone tries to kiss you again, then they will see my name and understand that you are mine!!!"

"Wei Ying stop!!!don't make me hate you again!!!"



The moment the Branding iron stamps into lan zhan skin. He can hear and smell the his skin burned. His vision become black and soon he gain lost conscious.

When lan zhan woke up he didn't felt any pain  from the branding iron seal from his collarbone. He looked down his naked body that's full of scars. He lie down on the bed thinking about the future. He was damn sure that he don't want Wei Ying to be in his future. For that he need to contact with Brother but at this point he realized it's impossible. He somehow manage to put on his clothes. He wanted to escape from this Hell. We went to open door but Wei Ying was standing there.
The expression on wei Ying face show dark.

"Where are you trying to go????? Are you planning to run away???"Wei Ying grab his wrist.

"Let me go Wei Ying.. You are crazy!!!"

"Yes I am crazy. But guess who's the responsible for my craziness. SPEAK!!!"


"I told you to Speak you ASSHOLE!!!"Wei Ying pinned lan zhan on the bed. With strong  push from Wei Ying lan zhan wound on his collarbone started to open up and bleed. The white robe he was wearing started to stain with crimson red but lan zhan keep his straight face. This anger Wei Ying more.

"You can't go to Jiang Cheng not to your bother. I have capture both of them. Lan zhan when I said I don't want to share you with anyone I Meant that and I will make sure from future no one will have the audacity to even look at you. You're Mine and you'll always be Mine. No one can take you away from me."

"Wei Wuxain you think too highly of yourself. If I decide to leave then not even you can't make me stay. Now go away I don't want to see your face."

"Well too bad lan Wanji it seems like you don't know how superior I am"He close their distance. "Why did you cheat with  me?? Why and from all the people with Jiang Cheng??? Lan zhan I have trusted you and you again broke my trust."

"What are you saying?? Have you gone mad???You truly are Crazy. I was stupid thinking that I'll be able to change you. If you dare to hurt them then I'll make you regret."
LAN zhan said with his threatening voice.

Now Wei Ying anger was on its peak. Jealousy scorching his heart. "You still dare to Care about him!!!!" He scream at him. Wei Ying yelled and This time he grab lan zhan hair and yanked him on the floor.

"Great Wei Wuxain!!!Show me how else you are going to treat me. So that when I leave you I won't hesitated even for little bit. Your promise to treat me with love and cherishing me was all BULLSHIT!"LAN zhan got up and came face to face with him. "Show me what else you got. SHOW ME!!!you already sold me to brothel. What else you re going to do with me. Show me Wei Wuxain the Demon king."

Wei Ying sneered at lan zhan boldness. "Lan WangJi you'll soon regret your today behavior but I have decided that I'll never hurt you again. You care about other people a lot. So now I will hurt the people  you care and love."Wei Ying left a room and warned the guard to don't let him out.

Later Lan zhan maid came with food. As she expected lan zhan has never touch his earlier meals. She sighed and left the room.
She again came with dinner. The lunch was on the table untouched. Lan zhan was there standing near the window looking outside.
His personal maid know that she's not supposed to talk with him but she find lan zhan pity with his situation. She gathered all her courage and asked "Your Majesty what you looking at???"

"Outside the garden look so empty."lan zhan turned around and look at her. She quickly turned her gaze and looked at floor.

"What's your name?"

"Song Li, Your Majesty."

"Song li will you be able to plant the Peach blossom tree in the garden where i can see from my room..."

"This maid will fulfilled your wish."

"Thank you Song li." He bow down to her respectfully.

In her entire life no one had respect her with bow. She now looked at the figure who turned his back on her. LAN zhan than looked at garden. Song li this time brought a chair to him so that he can sit down watch peacefully.

Next morning Song Li started  to dig the ground.

"What are you doing here???"Wei Ying yelled

"Your Majesty" she bow down her body quivering. "LAN Emperor asked me to plant the peach blossom in here."

"He asked you????"

"Yes your Majesty. Please your majesty don't kill me! He just look so lonely and sad and I want to see him smile."

"Okay!! Keep serving him well!! I will treat you well  later."

"Yes your Majesty" she said cluttering

Wei Ying left leaving Song li alone to finished her job. She can hear lan Zhan again screaming at Wei Ying calling him Monsters and Mad.

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