Love potion

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🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩LAN zhan woke up by someone screaming. He had never heard of the voice before. He got up from the bed. The door swung open and the guard hold his hands and dragged him away from the chamber. Lan zhan was taken to the Royal prison, the dark iron gates emitting the rotten smell. Wei ying went to Sect meeting to settle some matters. When he found lan Zhan was taken to the Prison he hurried to the Royal palace by the Empress.
The guards quickly knelt down on the guards, spread out of their wits cause Wei Ying look very Scary.
Wei Ying then point at one of the guard to show where's lan zhan. Wei ying followed the guard down to the deepest part of prison. Then he stopped in front of the cell. The guards got out the keys to open the cell. There he saw lan zhan on the corner of the cell.
His Gusu white robe was stained with blood and dirt. He thick chains was dig into his legs.

Wei Ying quickly went to him and break the chain. He then smell the musky scent of blood from lan zhan. Since the prison was so dark he can't see where did lan zhan got hurt.  
He picked up lan zhan from floor and order the guard to call Imperial Doctor. When he reached outside he can clearly see the cut on his abdomen and it was still bleeding. His finger nails were pulled out. He took lan zhan to his personal chamber. His skin was pale and cold. Wei ying wrapped him in his blanket and hold him against own body to warm up little it till Imperial Doctor come. After he left the lan zhan in Doctor care he went to Empress Song chambers.

She didn't expect Wei Ying to visit her in her chamber. "My Majesty did you miss me??? Empress said while bowing to him.

Wei Ying scoff . "Were you the one who put Lan zhan to prison and dug out his nails and put a chain in him???"

"Yes my Majesty. He had committed a great crime by killing you. Whenever I saw him I remember that time when you were first brought here. How much pain you were during those time because of him. I couldn't hold my anger when I found him on your bed."

"So you are saying that you did that because me??"

"Yes my Majesty!!!!"and she lift her head to his reaction.

When she looked up to see his face he saw a thunder in his eyes. Seized her by the neck and throw her to the other side of chamber. He look like dangerous and madman.

"How dare you to touch to him??"Wei ying say each word past gritted teeth aggressively. His expression made her scalp go numb. Tears welled up her eyes out of fear.

Wei ying throw his hair backwards and began to laugh. The empress collapsed on her knees. She can hear him ordering the guard to take her to the Prison and locked her up for whole eternity!!!

Lan zhan woke up by the warmth of someone hand on his. He open his eyes slowly.

Wei ying asked him worriedly. "Are you okay?? Does it hurt???"

"Why are you asking if I am okay when you are the one who's behind this."

"No. It wasn't me!!!"

"Your Empress told me that my Uncle is dead and my brother lost his Golden core.Gusu has been burnt down."

"I see what she's trying to do. Yes your uncle dead. He died while trying to kill me . And your brother Spiritual core is only broken. But it can be mended. Not only the Gusu was burnt the whole other clans had been burnt. I am going to unite them as a One."

"How many did you kill in order to do this."

"2000 people!!!"

"Why did you kill them??? You should just killed me instead. I was the one who hurt you. Not them??"


LAN zhan then closed his eyes tears falling from his eyes. "It was all my MISTAKE. I shouldn't have kill you. I should kill my self before I experience this. Then I don't get you see you like this. He then got down from the bed and kneel before Wei Ying. Here he placed Bichen to him and said stabbed me in the heart like I did it to you."

You living alone while all your clans and family members died that is your PUNISHMENT for breaking my heart and the punishment to all those so called righteous for murdering my mother.  Living alone with no one to care about you.

"Then I'll kill myself."

It was like a sharp knife piercing straight to Wei Ying heart. "I can't let that happened. Even if you succeed I can still bring you back from the Gate of Death.LAN zhan you and me we are together in this and we are all left behind. You are going to stay with me no matter how much you disgust me or hate me. But I'll never let go. I don't know if it's a love or Hate but I can't let you go."He pulled lan zhan towards him. Lan Zhan pushed away from him. Even though he's a human now but he still got some strength. "Don't Fucking Touch me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You disgust me!!!"He yelled at him. The guards outside was shock hearing  the conversation. No one has raise a Voice to their King. NO ONE!!!!

"Hahhahahahh"Wei Ying laugh and pulled lan zhan towards him and grabbed his hand and then he  pulled the pills into his mouth, made him swallow the pills and then bent over and sucked lan zhan lips.

"Wei Ying!!!!! What's That???"

"It's love potion pill. We are going to make love. You said that I disgust you then let's see how you will beg to this disgusting person to Fuck you."

"You have gone MAD!!!! Don't you even know what are you doing???"

"I know what I am doing lan zhan. I am going fuck you and you will cooperate with me like old days." Wei Ying said taking a step forwards towards lan zhan.

"Wei Ying if you do this then there's no way of going back."  LAN zhan said hoping Wei Ying will stop this madness.

"Who said I want to go back. By all blood in my hands I know I can't go back so now I stop dreaming about that. "


"Lan WANJI!!!!"

 When Wei Ying took step forward lan zhan step backwards

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When Wei Ying took step forward lan zhan step backwards. Suddenly he felt hot. He wanted to take off his clothes but he decided not to. He wanted Wei Ying to touch him but he don't show it to him. He was HOT

Lan zhan you are really good in restraining. Let me see how long you can restraint yourself. He grabbed his chins, bring his face forwards and Wei Ying sucked lan zhan lip. 

The medicine was very effective and Lan zhan was also kissing him back hard.

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