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Raizon swore his finger pulled back the trigger of his gun when he saw who was on his bed. Anger and disgust now dominated his fatigue and loneliness at the scene before him. "Not again. Miss Scarlett, please cover yourself up and remove yourself from this room before I let my finger slip," Raizon said calmly. To any other man, the black and white lace lingerie on the slender blonde would have been enough to set their blood on fire but for Raizon it did nothing. Sitting on the bed with her back against the headboard, her long tanned legs crossed, Scarlet Caine was the definition of a blonde bombshell. She tried to keep up her sultry look but her eyes gave her away. Fear and nervousness clouded them as she eyed the gun in his hand. It was of bad taste for him to scare the poor woman but she did overstep her boundaries. She was ruining something he planned for Arianna. The new duvet set of black and gold was personally chosen by him because of her love for French design, the entire room was redesigned for French Royalty. She was his queen and she will be treated like one. Everything in that master suite was for her, with a mixture of his likes, he was proud of the outcome only for one money-hungry woman to ruin it.

"Why the formalities, Ray? I know we've gone past it all. Why don't you put down that gun and close the door so we can know each other better," she said with a slow smile. 

"Do you, Miss Caine? Do you really want to know me?" Raizon asked, giving her his signature crooked smile. The gun was now lowered, the cane was forgotten because what he was about to do he needed a free hand. Gone were the ties she was bonded too before him was a nuisance. A gnat that deserved to be swat. He grew up with women like her and was taught to look for a woman with substance, someone with something in her head than air and he found that woman. Certainly not the woman, sliding lower onto the bed as he approached her. Raizon felt his skin crawl at the thought of touching another female, Arianna has truly ruined him for other women. Scarlet was now writhing in what she thought was a sultry come hither dance. To Ray, she was portraying the snake she was. 

"Of course, I want to know you Raizon. It's been long overdue. You hurt me deeply when news came of your so-called engagement. Do you really want to marry her?" she asked biting her lips.

"Don't you think she's perfect for me?" 

"NO! I saw you first. Ever since Stephen brought her home with those friends of his, she has been everywhere. Stephen constantly talked about her, Gianni was her bodyguard and Michael was all starry eye for her. She isn't of our caliber. You deserve someone of class, poise. A society lady by your side and vixen in the sheets." Going to her knees, she boldly ran her hand up his muscular thigh, past his rock hard stomach, stopping on his shoulder.

Her touch was repulsive. He wanted to deal with her, his way but her family were now tied to his. Raizon tilted his head slightly to eye her closely, her brown eyes were filled with want and eagerness, in her mind, she was winning the affections of another woman's man. In reality, the man before her was trying to think of more delicate ways to deal with the situation. He tried to put himself in his kitten's shoes and think of what she might do. Another woman in her bed, touching her man, she will probably beat the shit out of the spoiled princess.

"Is that so?" Raizon asked softly, giving her a winning smile. Playing along he ran his fingers through her hair before harshly gripping onto it. Scarlet gasped in pain, she looked up at him with a teasing smile thinking he was into rough play but her smile died when she saw his expression. The look on his face was the one that makes grown men cower in fear, the same look his enemies last sees before he takes their life. The face of the Mafia King.

"You're not going to answer?" he asked pulling her off the bed. Her painful cries filled the quiet room as she tried to right herself after being harshly pulled to the ground. The tight hold he had on her hair and the vicious tugging made her fear factor spike. Raizon pulled her along as he made his way out the door. Scarlet began crying in protest, trying to free her hair from his vise grip. "Is this the way you get your ideal man? Fucking up people's relationships? Not to mention your blatant disregard for your brother and your parents."

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