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"After one week of his nearly fatal crash, members of the Delacourde family has agreed to officially put our hearts at rest with an update on the young French chairman. Raizon Delacourde, owner and successor of the world-renowned Delacourde Empire was the victim of yet another drunk driver in the city. Mr. Delacourde was on his way home when he was hit head-on from a drunk driver. Being the other occupant of the car beside his driver, the crash has put them both in a critical state. Since the initial report of his accident, no word has reached any media house nor have anyone seen a family member till early this morning. We were lucky to spot Mr. Delacourde's other half, Miss Arianna Lincoln approaching the offices of the powerful magnate. Surrounded by armed guards, we were able to get a few words from her before she was whisked away by her loyal guards. We will now be patched through to the ongoing news conference at the Delacourde headquarters."

The scenes on the tv flickered from the news anchor to a conference room filled with representatives from major media houses. In walked Arianna in a simple black pantsuit, makeup-free face, and hair in a tight bun. She looked gaunt, her eyes spoke of sadness and vulnerability she rarely shows. Behind her was her brothers Kory and Kenny, there as support through her trying time. Kenny helped her to the podium on which she clutched on to like a link to live. The room became deathly silent, save for the clicking of cameras. They all waited with bated breath for the woman who became a media sensation overnight by capturing the eye of such a famous man like Raizon.

"Good morning everyone. Thank you for responding to our invitation and for respecting our time of adjustment. This will be brief. No questions. Statements of the accident will be given to you due to our need for privacy. Raizon has always been one for privacy so it's natural to do things that way. Umm..." Arianna took a deep breath and wiped away the tear that escaped her eye. Giving the crowd a tremulous smile she continued. "It hurts to say that there has been no change to Raizon's condition since the accident. He's currently in a coma with broken bones that will take him months to heal and also regain his motor skills. The team of doctors who have dedicated their lives to their craft of medicine has truly proved to us that they are at the top of their expertise. They have saved not only his life but of his driver. Both men are not out of the woods yet but with faith in the medical system and in prayers to God, we believe they both will survive this. Thank you for your time and well wishes." The camera spanned the whole room before focusing on Arianna as she leaned heavily on her brother while they left the room. The channel switched back to the news anchor who moved on to the still popular news of Monroe's dark dealings and those who were also involved. 

Thanks to the evidence given to the right authorities and refusal of help from their 'friends', Monroe's compadres were on their own and behind bars. The prisoners who heard of their crimes couldn't wait to meet them. Officers and prisoners alike took to beating them to near unconsciousness. Not were they only jumped for their abuse on Dana and other girls but of their positions in society. A senator, police chief, criminal attorney, all behind bars with people they placed in the system, was Christmas to the convicts. During their entrapment in the state prison and the news of no trial being set, the men met Monroe's son. Derrick Monroe. The boy's once perfect coiffed hair was greasy, his face bruised and he was now walking with a slight limp. He knew of the men through his father but didn't know they too raped and abused his sister. Like father, like son. That saying was proven right when he simply ignored that revelation and asked for his father. He didn't know. He didn't know the excuse for a father was dead. Raizon Delacourde made sure no one knew of Monroe's death. He had it planned to be revealed at an appropriate time but the men told him the truth. They told him everything which only planted a seed that will grow over the years to come. 

While all of that was happening behind the scenes in Washington, back in Boston sitting on a single bed bolted to the concrete floor was Miss Caine. The now delusional ex-secretary of Raizon. Her red hair was in a messy bun, the large t-shirt and sweatpants hung off her body, and her feet were clad in thick woolen socks to ward off the cold. The tv outside the single cell which was mounted on the wall blared news about the outside she surely missed. Her boss' accident had her screaming for the non-existent guard wanting to know what happened to her love. The silence got to her. She was the only one in the underground cells, the only sign of life she interacted with was one guard who brought her meals. It wasn't the same guard, they always changed. No one spoke to her. They haven't even told her where she was or why she was kept a prisoner. They took her from Raizon's house in a dark vehicle, covering her head with a thick black bag to wherever she was currently. Clothes were given and food but no one spoke to her. rising to her feet she began to pace wondering if Mr. Delacourde was alright if he was looking for her, did he get her gifts. In her mind, she was perfect for the young chairman. Her thoughts were jarred when the heavy door down the hall opened, then the cacophony of footsteps nearing her came next. The person who came to a standstill before her cell made the rage in her bloom.

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