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This chapter may include scenes of abuse.

"Think your brother is gutting him by now?" Stephen asked typing away on his laptop.

"Not yet. He just came off a job. Give him a day unless Ari has a say," Gianni commented before taking a sip of his bottled juice.

"She won't let him die though. I wish she would," Stephen returned thinking of his best friend who always saw the good in everyone. He always worries about her only to have Gianni placate him by calling her just to hear her voice or video calls. Stephen saw her as his sister, one that can be tough as nails but fragile as glass all at the same time. 

Gianni gave him a hum of an agreement while surfing through the channels on the widescreen tv. They both decided to take a day together to focus on their relationship. A lot has happened between Stephen's attack, his recovery and G's true conception. 
Skipping through the news channels, a name caught his attention, pausing on the segment, his eyes were glued to the picture of the young man they were reporting about.

"Charges of Rape have been lain against Derrick Monroe by the numerous college girls who have been forced into his illegal brothel along with assault charges. Earlier this morning, police were dispatched to the location dubbed Paradise Hotel, where numerous illegal activity was done. Reports have it that the young Monroe is still detained awaiting his lawyer...."


"What is it, love?" Stephen asked distractedly.

"Jail..... his kid... Monroe. Why was I left out of this? This is gold," Gianni exclaimed hopping from the sofa to search for his phone. Stephen tuned into the newsreel and laughed heartily. He knew right away that wasn't Delacourde's doing. It's too humiliating, white collar petty and downright crazy. 

"Brother, how could you leave me out of that bust?" Gianni shouted into his phone, incredulity staining his voice. He listened to how his brother spoke with laughter in his voice as he explained. His face softened to a small smile, listening to Raizon gush about his best friend and her first task as Queen. 

"You're in love with her," he stated. Raizon became silent then did something Gianni never thought his older brother will ever do. The guy openly expressed his feelings and fears about Arianna and their relationship. As he listened on attentively to his brother, his eyes fell upon Steven, his workaholic. Everything Raizon confessed about the connection he felt with Ari, Gianni could relate. He had the same with Stephen.

"I'm proud of you big brother for taking a hold of your own life. I know father wanted you to be like him, the powerful business magnate but I know for a fact that he wanted you to be like him when he let down those walls," he said into the phone. He heard the deep shuddering breath his brother took before he responded. It has been hard talking about the late Renith Delacourde after knowing what he did was purposely done by him. Gianni had an inkling thought, though he won't say, Raizon blames himself for their father's death.

"You can have both. Father did. He loved our mother immensely, he had a great fear of losing her. I have that same fear with Stephen. I know you have the same with Ari but she's great for you. She has your back, the same as you do for her. Plus with you telling me that she spearheaded the takedown on Monroe's son, I say you got your perfect girl by your side now," he said into the phone. Gianni made his way over to Stephen and placed a kiss on his head as he busily worked on some documents from the office.
Stephen smiled his way and returned his focus back to his work while Gianni walked away, finishing his conversation with his brother. From the corner of his eye, he took note of how his fiance's back muscles became tense, with him facing the view of the cityscape.
Something was up and it will take all of them to execute it, he can feel it in his bones. He sighed and glanced at his injured leg. Whatever it is he wanted to be at the forefront but that shit won't fly.

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