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Two days.

It took them two days to flush him out. They knew his weakness and strong points. The man was predictable and pompous, Arianna learned of his need to control everything even his family. His goal has been to inherit the billions under the Delacourde name and control his powerful family for his greed and seedy businesses. Getting rid of such a blemish on the family name became a priority for her. 

Presently she was in the office she shared with Raizon. Countless times she raised her head from documents needing her attention, expecting to see him sneaking a glance her way from his desk. His signature crooked smile will be on his lips, making her blush before they both got back to work. They both worked beside each other well as an old married couple. She considered their relationship to a puzzle being put together finally, all one thousand pieces.

She missed him.


The now strong confident voice of their new assistant filtered through the intercom. "Yes, Lizzie."

"There's a visitor at the lobby requesting a visit with you. He claims he's a cousin of Mr. Delacourde. Shall I confirm this?" the young lady said professionally.

Let the games begin.

"Its okay, Lizzie," Arianna said softly. If Miss Elizabeth Swanson was confused by her rescuer's now docile behavior, she didn't let on. 

"Certainly, ma'am. I shall meet him by the elevator and escort him in." With that being said, the call was caught giving Arianna time to be a simmering debutante playing boss for her rich daddy. 

'Confirmed. It's Talon. Good luck, boss.' The statement came from Jerome over the hidden earpiece, one of the guards she had working as security for the building. The detail she normally moves with dwindled overnight making it look to an outsider that Raizon's men didn't respect her enough nor saw her worthy for their boss. For the past two days, she made a show of dining at her restaurant and spending no longer than thirty minutes at restaurants given to her. It was all an act to let Talon think she was nothing without Ray. 

Arianna bit her lips from crying. That night will forever be etched on her mind. She swore she was going to lose him. It was meant to be a simple retrieval op but turned out to be someone's playground for revenge and dominance. "I'll be by your side soon. Mama just needs to take out the trash," she whispered to the photo on her desk. Hanes gifted her the picture which was enclosed in a sterling silver frame with their names engraved on it. The photo was taken of their special moment in the garden, Raizon's love for her was shown by the way he held her in his arms like fine china and the kiss he placed on her temple. Arianna remembered that day. She knew he was her soulmate, her one true love.

A brisk knock interrupted the happy memories she wishes to have more of after this debacle.  Schooling her features to a vulnerable and gullible rich girl, she called out for them to enter. Miss Swanson was the first to enter, her facial features pained, her grip on the door handle tight and her posture frigid. Knowing how well the woman was becoming in the presence of men around her, she immediately knew who caused her to revert to her old self. 

That fucking prick, Arianna screamed inside her already busy mind. She was trying her best to be oblivious to her assistant's discomfort and focus on the douche making his way inside of the office.

Note to self: add a few more blows to his dick. 

 "Miss Lincoln. This is Mr. Talon Delacourde, Mr. Delacourde's cousin from France," Miss Swanson said stiffly before leaving the two.

"Hello... I... Uh..." she stuttered, looking around nervously.

"Seems like my cousin has exquisite taste," Talon said eyeing her body slowly. A shiver of disgust ran down her spine, threatening to make her body shudder but she tampered it.
"Excuse me?" she asked, making sure she sounded innocent.

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