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The fucking level of disrespect right under my nose. Can't find good dirty cops these days. Not to mention good guards.

It took me a while but I've found my weakest link. More like links, to be honest.

"Convoy L has left point A. En route to point B. Cop cars positioned at scheduled spots. Convoy  C has left point A, en route to point C."

"Alert no one. Jerome is in the ambulance, passenger side. Officer Carrows will be in the rear cop car. Detain them both, secure them in the panel van," I ordered while pulling on my red skull face mask then the fingerless gloves.

Staying away from her was not an option anymore. Being notified of the murder attempt on her life angered me. It pissed me off that they were so bold. They were taking advantage of my absence.
Connecting my earpiece which was connected to our channel, we heard the first attack.

My brother's panicked voice filtered into my ear.  I can feel my heart race speed up. He was in the ambulance with Arianna. I had to intercept this attack. I knew having her transported to my home via ambulance, he will try to do something. I hated to use her as bait but I had lure him out. The attempted murders caught me off guard but he won't do so again.
The SUV I occupied with four of my guards sped up to the attack. Gun fire and screeching of tires could be heard over the ear pieces. Closing my eyes, I said a prayer in French to keep both Gianni and Arianna safe. I made sure the other two SUVs behind me, filled with guards and were close. The swerving of the vehicle had me gripping my rifle tighter. My men did the same, the doors were unlocked, outside of the van you can hear the gun fire.

"Two officers down. Back the fuck up! They're coming in again."

"Jerome! Get us the fuck out of here."

"We can't get out boss. We're like sitting ducks here."

"We can't get a clear shot without shooting the ambulance."

We all listened to the relayed messages between the men in the convoy.

The van came to a stop. One by one with guns aimed we joined the shoot out at the intersection. People were hiding behind bins and in stores as the police and the gang members exchanged fire.

"Get down! Get down!" I shouted to some teenagers hoping for a good video. Looking through the scope, I picked off the first guy which drew the attention of his comrades. I chuckled at the six blacked out vans surrounding the now crashed cop car and the ambulance. They successfully cut off the second cop car and some of my men. They were  positioned behind the doors of their vans, shooting aimlessly, a distraction. But what?
They caused heavy traffic congestion on all four streets, making it hard to get out of there.
Drivers abandoned their cars when they heard the gunfire. A few spotted us as they ran for cover. I don't blame them. It was night time and heavily armed men with skull face masks of different colors were now roaming the streets, anyone will be freaked.
Using a formation taught to me since I was thirteen, I went ahead picking off men as I go. The ambulance was trying to leave the barricade, I can't let that happen. If they do happen to get through that barricade, the destination won't be to my house. With bent knees and perfect aim, we shot down each men that held up the barricade ahead of us. A few of my men were hit but nothing serious, they simply went on with their job.

I have to get to her.

I must.

Connecting into our channel, I allowed the others to hear myself and the rescue team I brought.

"Jerome, open your door and slowly get out," I ordered focused on the ambulance. Two men came with me as we circled it. The other men of my team were ordering the attackers to put down their guns but they just began a stupid shouting match. I positioned myself in front of the vehicle and caught a calm Jerome aiming his gun right at me.

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