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Walking through the main entrance of the hospital with four heavy set men surrounding him, attracted fearful yet curious attention to Raizon Delacourde. He was oblivious to the stares and the way security went into defense mode. He was too busy getting foreign emotions under control. Emotions he wasn't allowed to express or feel while growing up.

On his way back to Boston, he acquired the reports of the attack from the police, the men under Stephen and the civilians. When the call came in, he felt fear for the first time. They attacked Arianna. The woman who has been on his mind for over a month. The woman who shouldn't be involved in his dealings.
As he was told, Stephen gave the orders to call him, he knew it was his past coming back to haunt him. An unfinished situation that he stupidly involved Stephen in a few years back. His fear returned when he read how Arianna was shot, they were sending him a message through her.

His brother called him demanding answers but Raizon couldn't. He acted his cold unfeeling self and told his brother it was part of the job to get shot. Never had his words felt so  wrong in his mouth. His brother flipped with that statement and brought up Arianna. Raizon simply offered to pay her medical bills and out patient care and ended the call.
He was thankful he was alone in his room. He released his anger on the furniture of the hotel room then called his pilot.

"We're here, sir," Hanes said bringing Raizon back to the present. Fixing his jacket, he prepared himself to be the man his father taught him to be.
Getting off the elevator, they briefly stopped at the nurses station and steadily walked to the suites both Arianna and Stephen occupied. He was surprised both police and mafia members were standing guard at their room doors.

"Locate Dalis and deal with him. Send a reply to their message," he said calmly. Tristan sharply turned on his heel and left the group. Raizon focused his gaze forward as he walked past Arianna's room. The pull he felt when they first met was tugging at him. He couldn't give in. He didn't know who to trust. Any sign of being close to her they will know. Raizon silently apologized to her, wishing they meet again under better circumstances.
Reaching Stephen's room, Gio and Hanes stepped aside, allowing him to enter the room. It was dim lighted, the blinds were shut but he can make out the body of his brother and two other persons.

"Gianni," he called out before turning to the person occupying the large hospital bed. Guilt racked his body seeing Stephen that way. He had to protect them. They went after Arianna because of how attached the boys were to her. Raizon's past enemies were attacking him through his unconventional family.

"Ray?" His brother's groggy voice caught his attention. The shuffling of feet and murmurs filled the quiet room. Raizon stepped out of the room when he saw Gianni moving towards him. Making his way back to the waiting area he spotted in walking in, Michael came out of Arianna's room, disheveled and sleep deprived. Curiosity filled his mind but banished it to focus on the task at hand.

He was about to say his first word when Gianni cut him off.

"Did you visit her? Did you learn just what your secrets did to her? To him?" He asked.

"I have the situation handled. This is part of the job that you brought your friends into. You get shot, you either get sent to the hospital or you die where you fight. I say Stephen was lucky to be in the former," Raizon answered coldly.

The punch Gianni delivered wasn't expected. Raizon stumbled backwards holding his jaw.

"That was no fight, big brother. Tell me who Ari had to fight. She's innocent to all of this and here she is lying in a fucking hospital bed. The same woman who we.... fucking hell," Gianni shouted running his fingers through his hair in frustration. Anger and pain clearly etched on his face. Raizon knew every thing his little brother was going through was all because of him. So many secrets he had to keep so his brother can stay alive.

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