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Trigger scenes of sexual abuse included. If uncomfortable, it's alright, you can move to the proceeding POV.

Douglas Monroe

Patience wasn't my greatest forte. Sitting in this entirely too small office watching a glorified nerd try to do my work wasn't the highlight for my afternoon.

"How long is this going to take?" I shouted. The kid flinched and lowered his head, even more, when I stood from my seat. No backbone, no wonder it was easy to get him to do this for little pay.

"He's doing his best boss."

"His best isn't good enough. You said he was the top hacker in the field. I've been here an hour and he hasn't gotten a thing for me." My voice bounced against the walls of the dingy room making the skinny kid flinch even more.

Lionel, my head of security was one more screw up away from being fired. Ex-mercenary, my ass. With all our attempts against Delacourde all failed, the guy was always one step ahead of us.

"H-he has everything encrypted, sir. Even basic text messages. The coding is too advanced," the kid said in a shaky voice.

"How can a two-bit gang leader be impossible to hack. His life can be seen on fucking front pages all over the world," I shouted.

Getting rid of his father had me thinking I was done with the wretched family and picking off the other members would have been a piece of cake. Finding the whereabouts of that bastard of mine was harder than I thought. Pinpointing his fairy friend and black slut was easy to do, we caught an opening with CTV cameras. One call and the first one to accept my offer was all it took to attack them in the jewelry store.

But the man failed. The girl didn't die. The two men I sent after them couldn't even make it to their floor of the hospital, then the fucking ambush.

Just thinking of three failed attempts got me angrier.

"Hospital records. Traffic cameras. Cellphone. Get me something. I need him done with. I can't risk him having my information while I run for Senate," I pressed.

"The family kept your connection to them for 26 going to 27 years silent, why would they release it now?" Lionel asked. The man can be thick sometimes.

"Because of that nosey reporter. He even got four other news channels sniffing around the whole changing of staff every two years crap and my bitch of a wife has been complaining. Delacourde knows. He was the first one I called to clean up that mess, seems like he cleaned it up well," I replied going to the window to make sure my car was still in the alleyway.

"Sir. I say this with the greatest respect for you but we need to lay off this Delacourde. He's worse than his father," Lionel pressed.

"Are you telling me you're scared of a kid playing boss in his daddy's chair?"

"That kid broke down a military ambush. Has the cream of the crop of military vets at his disposal. A fucking IQ higher than all three of us combined and a brain for technology that five past hackers can't even pass. You're underestimating him, Mr. Monroe," He seethed.

"You're just looking for somewhere to place your failures. I have still yet to see some sort of success from you. Contact me when you actually get something. Giving you 24 hours. If you found nothing, consider your self, fired," I said a bit too calmly for his liking. Lionel nodded his head Yes in obedience just like a good little dog he was.

Dressed in plain clothes, I can pass as any other man looking for his fix in this dreadful building. I breathe a sigh of relief no one stripped my car, it will cost my lawyer a fortune to explain to the cops as to what I was doing in this side of Washington.

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