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Now that his mind was off the recent threat and steps closer to Monroe, Raizon was free to focus on Arianna. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to be vulnerable and let his men keep him safe as they drove him home.


A smile tugged at his lips. In the past, he saw the townhouse, the estate just as that, never home. Having Arianna as his, he saw wherever she was it will be home.
"Alpha two. Anything to report?" he asked into his earpiece. Everyone's earpiece were connected on one channel for safety purposes. He knew when Arianna was escorted home, who stayed by Michael 's room and the clean up status of the bombings. Everyone knew when to be silent and code words for the different sectors under Delacourde's empire.
The Alpha two team was new and higher than every other, after all its the new Mafia Queen's detail.

"Nothing to report, sir, " one answered.

"Very well, " he returned before cutting off the earpiece. Though they said everything was fine he couldn't help but feel uneasy. This connection they had was strong, their emotions seemed tied together and what he felt was pure agitation. She was still worked up from earlier, Raizon mind raced with thoughts of what possibly can effect her like that.

"Sir. We've arrived."

Raizon sat forward and eyed the quiet lamp lit streets of the neighborhood before leaving the van. Still in his gear from the raid, he entered his home and stood in the foyer, noting how different it felt. Gio and Trevor approached him, coming from different entrances of the house with relaxed expressions on their faces. It still didn't alleviate the feeling in his chest.

"Where is she?" Raizon rushed out.

"On the master floor with Vinny, "Gio answered.

"We delivered her dinner a few minutes ago. Yours is still in the kitchen, " Trevor offered before Raizon having to ask.

"Thank you." The men heard his sincerity in the words but the vulnerable look in his eyes, caught them off guard. Trevor glanced Gio's way who in return gave him a subtle dismissive nod.
When Trevor left, Raizon allowed all his walls to fall.

"Did I do something wrong? Said something?" he asked his friend.

"I think it's something that has been weighing her down for some time now. We brought her home asleep and I couldn't help but notice her swollen eyes and Michael's angry ones when I took her from his room. If the kid wasn't in that hospital bed I think there may have been two hits today. Go to her. She needs you, " Gio answered truthfully.

"Thank you, " Raizon whispered before rushing up the stairs. As he neared the last step, excited barks reached his ears then the sight of the grey pitbull bounding out of their room.

"Hey bud. I missed you too. Where's your mama?" he greeted the dog softly, giving him a good scratch behind the ears and belly rub.
Trotting beside him, Vinny followed Ray to the master suite's sitting room. He stood by the door and watched on silently as his love, played with her food. Her hands were trembling as she nervously bit her lips. His eyes took in the dark blue button-down shirt she wore, and the messy bun she placed her straightened dark hair in. Her face was makeup free, her brown skin glowed under the soft light, magnifying her beauty even more but the sad expression on her face sent a spike through his heart.

"Kitten?" he called out to her, making his way closer to her side.

"Ray, " her reply came out as a shocked gasp. The fork that she held fell onto her plate, her nervous action caused the glass of juice to topple over, thankfully, Raizon was close. He cleaned up the mess quietly as she kept on apologizing and rambling silly things. Knelt by her side, he took her hands in his and placed his head on her lap.

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