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One month later

"Table 11. Table 15. Pick up. Risa don't forget to rotate the wines. Charlie can you circle the room for me please?"

"Sure thing boss. Oh and you have three guests wanting to speak to the chef," Risa replied.

"Ten minutes," I shouted turning back to the sauce and vegetables I had over the fire.
The flurry of activity in the restaurant's kitchen always up my adrenaline. Though I was the owner, I still get behind the stove, wait tables, even clean the bathrooms. Yes, I had staff to do these things but I liked to help. I think I gained my employees respect that way.

Currently I was doing the lunch rush with my main chef, Patrick. We met at culinary school, he came in a year after me but we hit it off. When I started the restaurant and patronage kicked off I knew I needed an experienced head chef in the kitchen. He was looking for work and I hired him right away. Two sous chefs, one pastry chef, three dish washers, a serving staff of ten, hosting staff of two, four bus persons and two bartenders made up my staff a bit big for a barely new restaurant but needed.

Finishing up six dishes alongside Patrick , I decided to take my break and visit my guests. One of the bus boys took my apron and hat before I wiped my face with a warm towel. "I'll be back in a few Pat," I shouted over my shoulder, making my way  around the warmers.

"Woman, take your 30 minutes and eat something," he admonished. I scoffed and pushed through the swinging doors and into the buzzing dining room. The bar area was full with either lunch dates or persons looking for stress relievers. The dining room had patrons with lunch meetings, dates or get togethers. My restaurant was one of five in the shopping district. Lots of foot traffic and visible from the Main Street, an ideal spot for any up and coming restauranteur. I was lucky to know the previous owner of this spot and to have him sell it to me at a great price and help renovate. He wanted to retire closer to his daughter and just wanted a quick out.

Who was I to refuse?

Giving the dining room a quick once over, I laughed aloud when three familiar faces stood out. All three expensively dressed men, rose from their seats and shouted my name across the room.
My face heated from the amused attention I was getting.

"Boys!" I hissed making my way quickly to them. The trio made any other man in the room pale to comparison, all except that one man in my mind. He was my little secret though. I haven't told the boys about him, I didn't want the illusion of him being this untouchable man who saw only me, to disappear. His friend called him 'The Boss' no other name. I invited Gio to dinner at the restaurant hoping he will come along too but I guess with their no show, he didn't feel that connection.

"Here comes the most beautiful chef in the world," Gianni said aloud.

"Your flattery isn't gaining you a free dessert from Alexis," I returned. Michael was the first to reach my side, pulling me into his arms then placing a soft kiss on my lips. After meeting the stranger at the club a month ago, kisses from Michael felt more of a fling and not a guy I wanted to be serious with. He probably felt it too due to his heavy sigh and light chuckle.

"Who ever he is, he's a lucky bastard to have you," he whispered against my lips.

I hugged him tightly, loving how we didn't need words to communicate. I, myself  gave into a heavy sigh before greeting Stephen and Gianni.
"What's that heavy sigh for baby doll?" Gianni asked leaning forward.

"Lost her before we gave each other a chance," Michael offered, giving me a sad smile.  I cared for this man beside me but we both deserved to give each other a full 100% in feelings. It felt like that man took a part of me without him even knowing it.

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