10. Cara

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"Tell me something you want me to know." Alex and I still lying in the bed. We're not naked. We didn't fuck last night. We just lay in this hotel bed, waiting for this injured girl lying on my chest to feel better. Alex doesn't want to go back home to our loft. She said Drew would be there and she's the least Alex wanna see right now.

Though it's eleven in the morning, the room is still dark. The curtains are closed because Alex doesn't want any light in yet. You know how she is like. We skip our daily lectures today and might as well our work, we both have planned it just now. Alex pleads me to skip work saying she needs me to stay here with her the whole day. "Where do you want me to start?"

"Drew." I scoff in annoyance as soon as I hear her name escapes from those puffy lips. Before I start telling her about that bitch, I make my way to the side table to grab bottle water for ourselves. Then I go back to bed.

"Well," I start after I take a sip of the water as I lean my back on the head bed. "Let me just tell you a bed time story that based on true event." Don't argue with me. It is a bed time story since we're still in bed. Alex moves her head, lying on my lap. She grabs my hand and play with it. "I'm just gonna tell you what I know. And this is what I know."

I clear my throat, take a deep breath and exhale. "Drew has been in love with you since day one I met her. She has been obsessing over you as long as we've been friends. Honestly I thought it was nothing because like I said, you're Alexandra Maybelline Dawn Blackwood, everyone adores you so I didn't take it seriously when Drew said she loves you. But honestly I swear to god, Alex, baby, I never thought she was the girl Shawn would be with when he left you. Yes, Drew told me that she had a boyfriend a week later after your breakup but she never told me who the guy was. In fact, for the record, she never once ever gonna tell me his name. It never crossed my mind the guy would be Shawn because I thought, he would be with someone at his work."

"I didn't know how they ever met, I swear. Drew never told me about that too. All she ever told me was just that solid statement: she had a boyfriend. We didn't spent much time since she had him. We hardly see and talk to each other. I was completely understand so I wasn't bother by it."

"I never realized those things until those few weeks I worked with her. She started acting weird. She flinched whenever I mentioned your name. I mean, she used to love hearing your name. It was her fucking favorite topic but it wasn't anymore. Back at those days she tried to avoid from seeing you, you remember that night, right? She bailed on me."

"It turned fishy when I asked her about his boyfriend. She pulled a face whenever I brought that up. So I did some digging. I went to her office. I looked everywhere what I could find. I asked her colleagues. In the end, it all linked together. I didn't know what her intention was but yeah, Drew took Shawn away from you."

"I didn't want to tell you as soon as I found out because baby, you looked so damn happy. I've never seen you like that since you were with Shawn. I was totally fine with you welcoming Drew to stay with us in our loft but after I knew what she did, her presence irritated me so much."

"I confronted her the other night when you were away at work. She even yelled at me not to tell you. Believe me, honey, I wanted to tell you so fucking bad but I had my dilemma. One, I wanted to tell because you're my fucking best friend. Two, it would hurt you so fucking bad. Three, I wanted Drew to confess right to you and fourth, you really looked so fucking happy that I didn't know what to do."

"What about last night?" Alex says. Her voice shakes that I assume she's shedding tears. "Did you know Shawn was gonna be there too?"

"No, Alex. I didn't know I swear."

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