2. Cara

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"You should know everyone is fighting each other just to have you, Alex. Don't you know that?" I say, annoyed with how Alex is reacting nonchalantly as we're walking down the campus hall.

Alex just smiles at me. "You know, Cara. Actually I feel awkward because everyone is watching us as if we're Victoria's Secret models wearing weird outfits". She whispers.

"Yeah. Because you are one", I tease with annoyance that I hope she sees. "Just be cool". 

On a serious note, back at home Alex is a model. She used to be one of those Victoria's Secret when she was eighteen. There was some weird agent suddenly interested in recruiting her when we were having small noble party at her house. Yeah, Alex's parents are fucking loaded that they do huge gatherings every time we are back home once a year.

Alex doesn't include herself as one of the loaded rich people. She always say my parents are loaded, not me. I just happened to be their child which made me also loaded every time I mention about it. 

Her parents are good people. Alex isn't the only child but sure her parents give her the most attention because she's the humblest child in the family. She never asked too much. She never bragged about their wealthy. She worked hard for herself. Apart from being the only daughter in the family, those are the reason why her parents are so much proud of her.

As we stop at the table in the cafeteria, I and Alex take out the slips we've been carrying all the way here. "Make sure you collect all these items, yeah?" Alex says to me. "I don't need it now but tomorrow".

"What are these for? Lectures? Works?" I ask.

"Works. Do you remember that girl we met last night at the party? Astrid? Ashley? I don't even remember her name. But anyway, these are for her project. Isn't that weird that I said yes to help her? Because I kind of regret it now."

I laugh loud at Alex's confession face. "Alex, if she's one of your hook up and you slept together last night, believe me she's fucking into you! How could you not get the hint?"

"Baby", she chuckles quietly. "You said everyone is into me. I mean, has it ever occurred to you how could I get the hint if everyone is acting all the same? Plus, I know they're just using me because I'm a genius".

"Yeah, not genius enough to notice simple and obvious things", I tease again. Alex just laughs it off. And when she does that, she's just not interested in the conversation. Again, the thought crosses my mind that I always think Alex is the female version of Harry Potter but pretty, hot and sexy. Famous but still stupid to notice flirtations and flings. 

"Anyway", she says as she packs the slips into one bunch. "What do you wanna eat later?"

"What are you having?" I take the bunch from her grip and put it in my bag.

"Um, I'm thinking grilled chicken. Mushroom sauce. Mixed vegetables. How's that sound?"

"That sounds nice, yeah". Another trait she is so good at, cooking.

"Is Finn coming over?".

"No. But my friend is. And maybe she's gonna stay over for the night because I have discussion. Is that okay with you?"

"Why would it be not okay with me?" Alex giggles.

"I don't know. I just need to ask."

"Okay. Then we'll be having dinner for three".

Before she goes, I ask her a question. "Aren't you working tonight?"

"No. I have lectures after this and I'll go straight home. I have a time off. Do you want a ride?"

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