Chapter 15

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The dance area was thinning out as the guests moved to the sides of the room to watch. Abigail moved with Stefan to the center of the room lining up across from him to start the dance. Stefan smiled at her and she shyly smiled back. Her smile faltered as she noticed the gentleman two places down. Matthew was staring directly at her. Abigail instantly turned away. She could feel his gaze still upon her, that it made her skin feel on fire. She hoped her cheeks weren't flushed.

The waltz started. Stefan was an impeccable dancer and kept her mind from wandering to Matthew. He also made it hard to stomp on him it was as if he knew her attention the whole time and maneuvered away from her each time. His antics only made her smile and girlishly try even harder. That by the end of the song she was breathless and giddy. Who knew dancing could be so fun.

Stefan steered her to her next dance partner off to the side and was making polite conversation when she felt Matthew's presence behind her. Her spine stiffened and she became overly quite unsure of what he was going to do. The orchestra started up the next number and the Earl of Devonshire bowed before her or whom she hoped was the Earl according to her dance card.

"Shall we?" The Earl crooked his elbow towards her.

Abigail reached out her hand to place it on the Earl's arm only to have it grabbed. Matthew moved forward between the Earl.

"I believe this dance is mine." He said it to no one in particular but as a statement to the group.

Abigail's mouth must have been open from shock because Stefan nudged her in the side and she snapped out of her daze.

"I must apologize but it seems that I have the dance's mixed up."

She was pulled away before anyone could respond. Matthew was angry. She could tell but she wasn't sure who he was angry with. Stefan? Surely not they were best friends. She wondered what she could have done wrong to make him angry with her. They did agree that they wouldn't marry after all. She let him lead her to the next dance. He remained silent, brooding. Unsure of what to say she held her tongue.

As the dance continued she wondered if he would ever say anything to her. The air between them crackling with tension. The dance steps allowed them to be in close proximity when he finally spoke to her.

"Why him?" Matthew snapped out beside her ear.

Him? Know she understood why he hadn't said anything. He didn't want others to hear that he was jealous. So he does care. The thought of him being in response and when he moved close enough to hear her she said nonchalantly.

"He volunteered his services."

"Did he?" He hissed.

Abigail batted her lashes playing the innocent maiden. "He is so gallant, stepping up when my father is still too weak to chaperone."

The stern look on Matthew's face softened at the mention of her father.

"He is well?"

"He will make a full recovery." She whirled away from him around the dance floor excited that he was jealous that Stefan is her chaperone. Her smile faded as the dance ended and she stood in front of Matthew. She bobbed a curtsy and waited for him to escort her to her next dance partner but he took her to the side of the room and out into the hall.

"Where are you taking me?" She pulled on her arm but he held firm.

"We are not done discussing your behavior."

To stunned to respond she allowed him to drag her down the hall and through a door that lead into the Carrington's study. Abigail was only vaguely aware of her surroundings for she was thoroughly annoyed with Matthew. Her behavior? How dare he believe that she was acting out of character when he was so obviously turning green. She let him know her feelings in the matter as soon as the door clicked shut.

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