Chapter 5

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Matthew rode with John back to Weldrick Hall in silence, both deep in their own thoughts. It was unlike both of them to dwell on things for too long. Matthew had been gnawing away at what Phillip had said before they left and it left a pit in his stomach.

"What do you make of what Philip said as we were leaving?" He was curious of what John thought of the Willhoite's.

John was a man of few words which made him endearing and quite easy to get along with. He kept mostly to himself and did what he was told. Matthew found it heartwarming to see John warm up to the WIllhoite boys. Those two need a father figure he just wasn't sure he liked it being John.

John contemplated on what to say. He chewed at his tongue. "It's not my place to say, sir. But I'm afraid they are far worse off than Miss Willhoite wants us to believe." He clicked his tongue as if that was all he would say on the subject.

Matthew paid little attention and pondered on the situation. Were they really that bad off and he just wasn't aware. He wondered if John knew more than he was letting on.

"Why would you say that?"

Never removing his eyes from the road John explained what he heard from the townsfolk. "Well sir, it seems that ever since the passing of their parents they have been struggling to make ends meet. Had to sell just about everything to keep food on the table. According to Mrs. Jones, Miss Willhoite has been refusing any offer of help. Says she ain't a charity case." John glanced over at Matthew. "Right surprised she took the furniture, sir givin they sold all theirs except for what they needed."

Matthews eyes flared in shock. How was he so unaware of the situation. Deep down he knew. He was so focused on Abigail that he wasn't seeing the whole picture. Well, he was now and he didn't like what he was seeing. They all were quite thin, yet not on the frail side, so food must not be too scares. There cloths were dated an too small except for Harry's. He assumed they were Phillips to begin with. The knot in his stomach grew.

"Quite right, John. What of their farm?" He was afraid to ask but he needed to know the whole of the situation before he could help mend it.

John clicked his tongue again. He hated to gossip about others business, but if anyone could help them it was the Duke. "They sold most of the livestock except for what they need for themselves. What they kept is making enough at market to keep food on the table for now, but winter will come and the garden will stop producing." John hung his head. "I'm afraid they be in for a long hard winter."

Matthew nodded in agreement. They both fell back in silence for the remainder of the trip to Weldrick Hall. By the time they got back Matthew had a plan. He only hoped that Abigail would accept.

. . .

The next day proved to be beautiful for a day. The sun shone brightly with barely a cloud in the sky. A swift northerly breeze was the only indication it was still  wasn't spring. For all its beauty, Abigail could not appreciate it. She was in such a state that the children sought out their chores willingly this morning. Panic stricken by the knowledge they would be attending dinner at Weldrick Hall. She frantically dug through all means of clothes for each of them finding anything  that would be deemed suitable.

Every article needed some mending that would take up most of her day. Her dress was another issue among itself. She had nothing fancy among her clothes and the only one still left intact was in her parents bedroom. Each one of them afraid to remove anything from it.

Abigail stood outside their bedroom door. She knew a day would come when she would clean it and move into it herself. But today was only a dress that she needed. The rest could still wait till the four of them were ready to move on. She entered the room and squared her shoulders. Just one step at a time. She rummaged through her mother's items and found just what she was looking for. She tried it on and the length was perfect. Only issue was the bust line was too tight. She was bustier than her mother and it clung to her like a second skin. It would have to do for now though. Removing the dress, she hung it in her room. Now to mend all the others clothes.

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