Chapter 13

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 Matthew and Stefan made it to Kentmoor to alert the constable of Abigail's disappearance. They found him already mounted on his horse in front of his office. Matthew slid his horse to a halt beside the constable sending a cloud of dust into the air.

"It's Abigail! William has taken her."

Matthew didn't wait for a response as he spurred his horse onward. They followed the quickest route hoping to come upon William and Abigail. He still had hope to catch them before London until the sky opened up and drenched them leaving them little chance of finding them on the road.

They arrived in London soaked to the bone and tired. With much persuading on Stefan's part he convinced Matthew to stop at his town house to rest the horses and change into dry clothes. With Matthew's persistence they were leaving within the hour for the Baron's house.

The Baron's house came into view as they rode up in the Duke of Harrington's coach. Stefan's logic once again won out. If they were to ride hell bent to the man's door they would cause suspicion and the need to transport Abigail would cause more eyebrows to rise if three men left on horseback with a women riding among them. For propriety's sake they agreed to take the coach. Though slower they hoped that if William beat them there they could sneak their way inside the house.

They formulated a plan as such before they pulled up to the townhouse. Matthew didn't hesitate to jump from the moving coach before it came to a complete stop. Stefan looked over at the constable, exchanging a worried look knowing full well that Matthew could get them killed if he didn't get control of his feelings. Both followed him out of the coach at a much safer speed only to come up short behind Matthew.

The front door was already open. William had Abigail in front of him as he pushed his way into the house with a pistol drawn on the butler. Neither noticed the men standing in the front lawn watching as the door slammed shut. All three exchanged looks and nodded. This is what they planned for. The constable walked quickly to the left of the house and Stefan moved to the right leaving Matthew staring at the front door. The coachmen whipped the reins and slowly moved down the street. He had orders to remain at the end of the street for them. It didn't matter too much now since William already had Abigail in the house. They had hopes of beating him here and setting up an ambush. Now things were a little bit trickier.

Matthews heart raced when he seen Abigail but he couldn't tell how she was fairing from her backside. He was just thankful she was still alive. The fear he was feeling was palpable. If anything happened to her he wouldn't know what to do. He loved her. The thought only just occurred to him but the knowledge washed over him like a tidal wave.

He. Loved. Her.

The thought he may never get to tell her sent a sharp pain through his chest. He had to save her if nothing else then to tell her. His feet moved on their own as he rushed to the front door. He tried the knob but it wouldn't turn. Locked. He cursed under his breath. He slowly made his way around the house to a set of large windows that overlooked the front lawn. He pulled and they opened up to the Baron's study. Matthew let out a sigh that he didn't know he was holding.

He entered the house moving quickly through the richly decorated room. The chairs were covered in red velvet of the latest fashion. Statues stood in the corners of famous work and the bookshelves were stuffed with books trinkets and busts of famous Generals. The Baron seemed to be a well educated man. He hoped he would be able to handle what was soon to come.

Matthew cracked the study door enough to peak out into the hall. The morning light streamed through the windows at the end of the hall illuminating the masculine interior. A tapestry hung from the walls depicting a boar hunt and dark cherry furniture lighted the wall leading to the stairs. The colors from the Baron's study spilled out into the hall filling it with rich reds, greens and cream. He heard a noise slightly down the corridor and noticed Stefan. Matthew motioned for them to head towards the stairs leading hopefully to the Baron's chambers.

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