Chapter 10

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Abigail awoke the next morning before the sun rose. There was much to think about after a day like yesterday. She softly left the Duke's chamber and made her way back to her room to get ready for the day. She needed to keep her guard up with his mother and sisters afoot within the house.

She dressed in a riding habit as she planned to clear her head and think of a plan for how to deal with any more hostile attacks on her person. She made quick work of getting ready for she had only a few hours before the kids would be awake and she promised to eat with them each morning.

. . .

Clara waited at her door to her room for Abigail to pass by. She knew what she had to do, yet she didn't feel right about it. Her mother was adamant that the plan be set into motion this morning to get rid of her. She would have refused but she was desperate to return to London. It was her second season and she had to make sure she kept the suitors that she has already. If her absence is noticed they might find others to their liking more thinking that she no longer was interested in them.

She heard footsteps coming down the hall. A small peek told her it was Abigail leaving her room. She was grateful she was such an early riser for if she slept in like Anabella she would have missed her chance. As soon as Abigail passed her door she swung it open and proceeded out of it as if unaware of her presence in the hall.

"Oh, Abigail. How wonderful to see you." Clara put on her best smile beaming at her.

Abigail so engrossed in her own thoughts nearly jumped out of her skin giving a shriek in surprise when Clara burst through her door behind her.

"Clara." Was all that Abigail could muster in a greeting.

Clara took no offense and proceeded forward with a bounce in her step. She looped her arm within Abigail's and pulled her along the hall. "It is just so nice of Matthew to take an interest in someone so different." Abigail's sharp intake of breath did not stop Clara from continuing. "I only mean his usual type are much more," she twirled her hand in the air searching for the right word, "well, no strings attached rich widows. Mother is beside herself, but I told her that there is nothing to worry about he never stays with just one for very long."

They were descending the stairs when Abigail missed a step almost tripping she steadied herself on the rail. Clara looked worried yet she wasn't sure if it was genuine or not for she helped steady her before they proceeded down the rest of the stairs.

"There is no need to throw oneself down stairs, just yet" She said it as though what she said would cause Abigail to do just such a thing with a sparkle in her eye and the girlish giggle that followed only proved one thing. Abigail did not like Clara Weldrick. Clara left her at the foot of the stairs with a feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach.

Going through the kitchen Abigail grabbed an apple from a bowl the cook had sitting out. She quietly walked to the barn and made her way to a docile mare that Matthew showed the kids the other day. He stated she would be the one Mary would be trained on while she was at Weldrick Hall. She wondered if she had started her lessons. A pang of guilt shot through her again as she worried that she wasn't spending enough time with them since they moved here. She would have to find time to spend with each one today.

She made quick work of saddling the mare and had her out of the barn in record time. The mare was the best trained animal she has ever been around. Excited for her ride she mounted and left the Weldrick Hall behind.

. . .

William hide among the bushes and watched Weldrick Hall from the north side while Jake and Gus both took other sides of the house in the early hours of the morning. Their plan was a simple one. They would keep a watch on the house until they found Abigail and identified her. Then they would make a plan of her abduction from the house. William hoped it didn't have to come to breaking into the home. The charges for kidnapping would be harsh but to add breaking into a Duke's residence would definitely get all three of them hanged. He continued to watch the front of the house. He stifled a yawn. It was going to be a long day. He just hoped she would walk outside at some point.

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