Chapter 12

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Anna returned to her chambers slamming the door behind her. She cringed at the noise.  Her emotions were getting the better of her.  She needed to calm down.  Her blood boiled, how was so able to calm down after what she just witnessed in the parlor.

"A Baron's daughter." She scoffed.  "Of all the things he has put me through since his father died.  He has gone too far."

She was already pacing the room before she noticed a small form curled up on the settee.  She rushed over sitting beside Clara.

"Clara dear, What is the matter?"  Anna grabbed her shoulder to pull her face from the corner of the settee.

"It's all my fault!" Clara wailed hugging her mother.

"What is?"  Anna stroked her back while she waited for a reply.

"Abigail.  It's all my fault she ran away."

"Ran away?  She did no such thing.  Matthew did this, set it all up to make me look a fool.  To think I would believe that simple girl to be a Baron's daughter.  Then to drag poor George Septhon into this mess.  I shall hope this goes no further than this house.  If it got out our family was the source of such gossip." Anna placed the back of her hand to her forehead as if she might swoon from such a thought.

Clara had stopped crying and was staring at her mother.  She could turn any situation to be about her.  She was a difficult person and even more difficult to live with.  How this was now about her was beyond Clara and to convince her otherwise would be a waste of time.  She nodded in agreement deciding to inform Matthew right away instead.

Anna, grinned patting Clara's shoulder she stood and continued pacing.  "We must return to London."

"Why? Has Matthew agreed to return?"

Anna waved dismissing the notion.  "No,  but we must get ahead of this gossip."  She strolled to the pull cord ringing the help.  "I will not allow this to affect your season." 

Clara only watched her mother continue her relentless pacing until there was a soft knock and a young girl announced herself.  Anna bid her to enter.

"We will be returning to London tomorrow.  Have the carriage ready with our things."  

The girl nodded and left them once again to Anna's pacing.

"Hopefully I can convince Baron Septhon that this is not of our doing and save some face."  

"Baron Septhon? You plan on telling him?"  Clara sounded concerned more for the Baron than for her mother.  She heard rumors of the Baron's temper she just hoped that the Baron could withstand the icy stare of Anna Weldrick.

. . . 

Matthew awoke the next morning and Abigail was still not present at the morning meal. He could tell the children were concerned and so was he. He consoled them by agreeing to look in on her after the meal. Unsure of her disposition he told them they could go see her after he had a word with her.

Matthew quickly finished and made his way to her chambers. He knocked on her door softly only to find it swing inwards unexpectedly. Fear laced through his body as he stepped into her room.

"Abigail?" He called out. No answer came to him. Rushing towards the bed he threw the covers back. No one laid upon the bed. Frantic he search the bathing chamber and his chambers all coming up empty. When he went back to her room Edith was coming in with a tray of food.

"Miss Abigail, I am so glad you are finally...oh my, your Grace." Edith bowed her head and curtsied. "I am sorry your Grace, I mistook you for my lady."

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