Chapter 8

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William was once again crammed between Gus and Jake on the road during the wee hours of the day. With little sleep he felt quite put out of his current situation. He hoped that Jake was right and we should arrive at the girls destination by the late afternoon.

He squirmed on the saddle shifting his weight to relieve some of the pain from riding all day yesterday. It seemed to only make it worse and his temper. Which he had to keep in check so his escorts would believe he was cooperating. It was easier said than done, so he remained silent for most of the journey.

They reached Kentmoor after eight hours of riding and only one stop to water the horses or relieve oneself William was sure happy to get off the animal for good. They tethered their horses outside the local pub making their way inside all three of them stood out like a sore thumb. Making their way to an empty table all eyes were on them. William assumed they rarely got very many newcomers that stop in town when they could ride further on for another hour or so to a much bigger town. He felt if they came in separately much less attention would they have made. A serving wench was summoned by Gus and food and ale was ordered for each other them. Not much noise picked up as the minutes ticked by. William chalked it up to Jake flaring at anyone that had the nerve to stare in their general direction.

The wench brought their food and drink in post haste not lingering around to make any acquaintance with any one of them. Gus didn't take it to personal for she was a sickly looking girl with stringy hair and a poked marked face, a face only a mother could truly love. They ate quickly not out of necessity but they were so hungry from their travels it felt as if he could keep eating and still never get full. As William used the last bit of his bread to soak up the broth from his stew Gus removed himself from the party without a word moving to the bar. He spoke in hushed tones to the barkeep, after a few moments Gus returned with some good news.

"The keep knows of her. Says her farm is a mile outside of town."

Jake smashed his tankard down. "We got her!" He lowered his voice. "Bout bloody time, too."

They followed the directions the barkeep gave Gus and were there within the hour. They slowed as the farm came into view. On the way they came up with a plan. Gus continued on the road to the house while Jake and William veered off the road to await Gus and the girl.

They both watched from behind trees as Gus made his way up the drive to the Willhoite homestead. Dismounting he knocked on the door. When no answer came he knocked again. William started to panic. His palms became clammy and his brow glistened with sweat. What if Lord Septhon hired more than just the four men. She could already be in London spending his money. Yet he could do nothing but watch, for now.

A man walked out of the barn wiping his hands on a rag when he noticed Gus. They seemed to exchange a few words. The man pointed in the direction that they had been traveling. He watched Gus shake the man's hand and mounted back on his horse empty handed.

William surmised that they were just at the wrong house and hadn't made it far enough down the road to the Willhoites. The look on Gus's face when he stopped in front of them told him he assumed wrong. He didn't waste anytime in explaining the situation.

"She don't live here anymore." He gritted out of thin lips. Both men looked at him in shock.

"I hope to God he told you where she has gone!" William's face was red with pent up frustration.

"She has moved into Weldrick Hall with the Duke of Harrington. She is his mistress. That was one of his wards keeping watch over her property." He motioned with his thumb behind him towards the farm.

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