Chapter 14

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"How dare you!" Anna screamed.

"Mother, please." Matthew moved between them shielding Abigail from his mother's sight.

"She refuses you? A Duke! This...this impertinent child!" She pointed at Matthew the sign of her anger was the hives creeping up her chest. Nostrils flaring she took as step towards them.

"I will not force her to marry me." He knew her anger would not be dismissed easily, but he didn't want to upset Abigail anymore than she already was. This was a subject to discuss in private without his mother and her new found father listening.

"You will." Anna moved closer to Matthew pushing her finger in his face.

Matthew grabbed her wrist bending low into her face. "I will do as I wish." He growled through clenched teeth.

The room fell silent as Matthew and Anna glared at each other. Neither one backing down. Abigail's sobs broke the tension. George cleared his throat making them all aware that he was still watching them. Matthew instantly let go of his mother's arm. She stepped away from him rubbing where he grabbed her s though he had hurt her. Her cheeks were flushed from embarrassment that the Baron had witnessed their altercation.

"The Duke has made his decision. I will not be the one to fight him in the matter." He settled deeper into the bed. "If we are done then I would like a word with my daughter." He waved his hand dismissing them from his room.

Anna nodded and with a stiff back made her way towards the door. Pausing at the door she noticed Matthew unmoving from his position next to Abigail. He was looking down at her with such longing that it caught Anna off guard. She remembered that look from his father. How much they had loved one another that it broke her when he passed making her a hateful bitter person. If he truly loves this girl then why is he refusing her. She watched as he leaned down and whispered something to the girl. He received a nod and a slight smile from her before he moved away. The look in his eyes had changed by the time he passed her in the doorway. They were clouded with sadness. She now understood. He loved her but she didn't love him. Well she thought, only time would tell what his future holds.

. . .

The door to George Septhon's bedchamber closed sealing Abigail alone with her father. Father. The thought made her head pound. She watched him as he looked her over for what seemed like the first time. She waited unsure of what to do or say. Her arms instinctively covered her chest. He motioned towards the chair beside the bed. Reluctantly she walked over and sat down placing her hands in her lap she stared at her nails.

George cleared his throat, bursting out in a fit of coughs that raked his body. Abigail handed him a glass of water that was on his bedside table. He graciously accepted bringing the cool glass to his chapped lips. Abigail watched him closely now that he wasn't focused on her.

He looked considerably sicker than he did from across the room. She had a hard time picturing this man as her father. Unsure of what to say she remained quiet taking the glass from him she placed it back on the table.

"I am sorry."

She looked at his drooping eyes and relaxed features and knew he wouldn't be awake much longer. The events of the day draining him. He didn't wait for a reply before continuing.

"Can you read and write?"

Abigail nodded.

"Good, I will send for your items at Weldrick Hall. I assume that is where you have been staying." His eyes boring into hers willing her to deny the claim. She didn't so he moved on.

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