Chapter 3

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William Tinker held his last few coins in his hands. He clinked them together as he watched the others at the gaming table in silent concentration. He had a good hand but it wasn't good enough to win against the people at the table. The group waited for William's decision. He looked at his cards and then at his coins. He paused for dramatic impact and threw them both calling for a raise. He watched as each one looked at him and folded and hurriedly left the table. His smirk only lasted long enough to rake the pot into his coin purse.

The man that sat down across from him only startled him for a few seconds and it all made sense as to why the others got up and fled so quickly. Two large men sat on either side of him.  They both placed a large hand upon William's shoulders making him look even leaner than his true stature.  They were body guards for his new companion at the table, there to make sure that he wouldn't try to leave.

The man across from him spoke after a long pause. William knew it was to intimidate and it was working. "Do you have my money?"

"I thought I had a few more days."

The loan shark leaned forward over the table. He showed his pockmarked face under the candle light and sneered. "I'm calling your debt due."

William paled and his palms started to sweat. He knew he shouldn't have got a loan from Gerald Vancleeve. He was the most notorious loan shark this side of London for always getting paid one way or another. "I don't have it yet." His voice came out as a squeak.

Vancleeve snapped his fingers and both of the large body guards stood up and snatched William up from his chair and hauled his body out the door and into the street. He was snatched from the ground and pummeled in the stomach by the other. His coin purse was removed from his person and handed to Vancleeve that watched from the steps. He counted the coins and pocketed the purse.

"The rest will be due within the week."

He was left in the street to find his way home with not a coin to his name. It was over an hour later he hobbled up the steps of the Septhon townhouse. The hour was late as he entered the house undetected. He straightened his spine and hissed in pain. He stealthy made his way up the stairs and down the hall to the last door on the right and slipped in without being detected. He lowered himself gingerly on top of the bed and instantly fell asleep.

It was mid-morning before he was found. The scream by the maid let the entire house aware of his presence in the home before he could remove himself. It was all well for he needed Lord Septhon to help him out of his current predicament. He slowly made his way back down to find him. He was accosted by the butler before he could make it to the Lord's study.

"His lordship taken has ill and there will be no visitors today, Mr. Tinker, sir" His hand gestured towards the front door as to politely imply he should take his leave.

Anger flashed before William's eyes. How dare this man try to make him leave.

"I am NOT a visitor. I am his son!" He shouted at the butler in rage.

The butler's expression never changed but the tone of his voice spoke volumes of his irritation. "I have my orders."

William gave him a withering look that would have killed if he had such powers. He turned to leave and ran back up the stairs as the butler yelled out in protest. William was hurt but he could still out run the old man.

He made it to the top of the stairs. Breathless he rushed to the second door on the right and flung it open and locked it behind him. A triumphant smile crossed his face as he won. He liked winning that why he keeps going back to the gambling halls. He won his first time and he was addicted ever since. Now he did it to get out of debt from his previous debt and now he is drowning in it. This was life or death.

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