Chapter 4

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Matthew sat in his study and stared at the ledgers. The numbers blended together and his eyes crossed. He rubbed his eyes willing them to focus. He leaned back and his thoughts instantly went to Abigail. Over the past week he had done nothing but think of her and what she would be doing. He knew how hard it was to run his estates. He was educated on such matters, but was she. He had to admire her dedication to her family. While she was fighting to keep hers together he was running from his. He decided to come to the country to relieve himself of any marriage notions and drown himself in the running of Weldrick Hall. Yet, his days have been filled with a petite brown haired girl that makes his blood boil when he thinks of her.

He continued to stare at the plush high back chair across from his large oak desk. He remembered what her home looked like compared to his, such meager furnishings for the four of them it was quite depressing. However did they manage that way he wouldn't know. A thought popped in his head. He started jotting down notes as he became ecstatic with his new idea.

Matthew rushed from his study and found Hattie the head maid in the dining hall over seeing the cleaning. He told her of his needs and to see to it immediately for he was leaving within the hour. Horrified by his sudden request she quickly left the room in search of help.

Within the hour a carriage was loaded down with as much furnishings the Weldrick Hall could spare. Matthew beamed up at it with such excitement he felt like a young lad again. He just knew she was going to love it. He hopped up alongside John and he cracked the reins and off they went to the Willhoite's.

. . .

Abigail was in the barn cleaning the stalls when she heard the carriage pull into the yard. Sweat beaded her brow and pooled between her breasts. She wiped her brow with the back of her sleeve. It was a mild day but this was a strenuous task that she wouldn't allow the children do yet. If Billy was here she would convince him to do it for her with her charm and dazzling smile. Both boys were hard at work too. Phillip was a few stalls down milking their only cattle that they have left. Harry was in the garden pulling weeds and collecting today's harvest. Harry was always in the garden it seemed in the recent months. He was in his element and continued to make their garden prosperous enough to sell in town. Phillip enjoyed working with their livestock. Well, what they have left since she had to sell a few to get by.

Mary, sweet Mary. She sat on a overturned pail and watched Abigail shovel out stall after stall. She played with a doll Abby made out of some scrap material their mother had. It seemed to settle her when she was getting upset and wanted her mother.

Abby straightened her back and winced at the pain from being hunched over for hours. Wiping her hands on her apron she walked out of the stall as Harry ran in the barn. The contrast from the daylight to the dim room made him squint and look around for Abigail. When he spotted her he ran over to them both.

"Duke Harrington is back." He laughed a little breathless.

Abigail's stomach clenched and fluttered with excitement. Without saying anything she walked past Harry and Mary towards the barn doors. Harry jogged up behind her and caught up. "Umm, he brought us somethings."

Her head snapped to look at him in astonished. What could he have brought them. Her ire was boiling under the surface. Her pulse picked up. We are not a charity case. Not a check on a list under good deeds. She thought he understood.

The flare of the sun blocked anything visible right away as she made her way from the barn to the front of the house. The trio followed her but stayed a few steps behind not sure of her reaction. The older two discussed the Duke in hushed tones to each other as Mary followed out of curiosity as to why everyone left the barn.

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