1. Cara

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Everyone's life is different. Doesn't matter how you describe how different it is, it's just different in so many ways. Taking for my college life for example, the environment here is so different and how the system works. We don't stay in hostels. We don't have those fraternities and sororities or whatever you call them. We live as neighbors, students, lecturers, workers and even CEOs are in one neighborhood.

That's right. It's different. It's like we're living in one huge cave. Or in a different planet. Or even like one place in Maze Runner where you are being tested and experimented. It's just we're not like that but like that, you get me? Yeah, you don't. The difference is, we're not monitored. In simple words, we're in another small planet that nobody has to know we are here.

That's just Angelus Fire Lock Academy. A place where you are students, engineers, mechanics, lecturers, friends, neighbors. You name it. Anything. I don't even know how I got here but as long as I get paid and have a beautiful life, it's all good. 

I mean, you look at the name, Angelus Fire Lock, what is that even mean? based on? No one knows because this academy has lived since ... I don't know, a very long time? It's just that the technology here keeps improving and now you can imagine it in modern style and a very advanced technology.

Here, I am a student, lecturer and a doctor. I share a very huge loft with my best friend. I have to admit that I'm fucking glad that me and my best friend are like, one of those rich people because we have everything we need and we have all the privileges we want.

We don't have parents and siblings living with us. They live normally somewhere out there in the real world. We only do Skype with them during our free time. Like I said, we're just so far away, like working offshore. Or you can imagine we live like in Harry Potter movies. Hope you can get it now.

"Making lesson plans, Cara?" My best friend waking me up from my thoughts. I see her wearing a black jacket she loves and white jeans, walking towards me, straightening her medium long, black hair with the other hand, smiling at me. I don't know why I see her walking in a very slow motion. "Where's Finn?"

Finn is my boyfriend. "Yeah, lesson plans. And no, I don't know where he is".

Alexandra Maybelline Dawn Blackwood is sitting right next to me now, still playing with her hair with her fingers. This is the girl who you can call it very, very famous in this tiny planet because of her looks, manners, achievements and rumors. The gorgeous creature who is also a genius. There are just so many things that made her famous and I just happened to be her best friend.

And by famous, of course she is everyone's crush. Everyone. And by everyone I mean both males and females are into her, no exceptions. Too bad she's just broken up with her boyfriend after five years of dating. Although the breaking up had happened about a year and a half ago, (or two? I don't quiet remember), she is still broken and a solid mess. I didn't blame Alex because her boyfriend was a total prick, coward and selfish who vanished himself for another girl.

"You're doing okay, babe?" I ask as soon as she settles.

Alex nods. From the look in her eyes I still can see she is still upset. She's just so good at hiding it but I know her better than anyone else. I've known her my whole life. That's the good thing. Or maybe she is just tired, lack of sleep after spending time with one of her hook up.

"Hey, we both know that the whole planet is chasing you, you need to choose one. Stop with the hookups." I say for a millionth time to her as clear as I can. 

Well, it's kind of true. Her ex is over stupid for leaving Alex for another girl. I mean, this is Alexandra Maybelline Dawn Blackwood. Who doesn't want her? Everyone is hustling to get her. Everyone would do anything to win her heart. Thank god I am just not one of them. 

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