Mini-fic 1 - Double Date

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A/N - Hey guys! These 'mini-fics' will be little side stories and DITL snapshots while I get ready to write something a bit more story heavy....I'm not saying Gasolina 2 but....Gasolina 2?!?!? I'll keep y'all posted. Hit me up in the comments if you want G2 <3 

"Lance, you ready?" I called from the bathroom, scrubbing the dust and sweat from my face. "We're meeting the others in half an hour!"

"Give me a few more minutes, mi amor." Lance replied, appearing from my bedroom with his shirt unbuttoned, and a tie slung around his collar. His hair was still damp, dripping down his face in rivulets of hot water. I felt my cheeks go hot; even though I got to see Lance's gorgeous body almost every day, it still drove me crazy every time.

"O-okay." I replied, running my hair under the tap for a few minutes before rubbing it dry. We'd been out on my bike all afternoon, and were now getting ready for our first double date as a couple - with Veronica and Acxa no less. 

"How do I look?" Lance asked, appearing at the door now fully clothed. His white shirt was buttoned halfway up, and he'd forgone the tie in favour of a cropped-sleeve blazer and black skinny jeans. 

"Great, as always." I mumbled, my cheeks going red again. "I'll be ready in a second. Could you check on Cosmo while you wait?"

"Of course, babe." He smiled, heading towards the kitchen. Cosmo usually slept in my bedroom, but since Lance had been staying more often, we'd bought him a dog-bed for the kitchen. Not that Lance minded dogs - my bed just wasn't big enough for all 3 of us.

I ruffled my hair one more time, and shrugged on a leather jacket over my long-sleeved black shirt, then followed Lance to the kitchen. He stood up when I approached, raising his eyebrow pointedly at me. 

"What?" I demanded, crossing my arms. "Is it too casual?"

He came towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You look perfect, Keith." He said softly, staring at me with his dazzling blue eyes. "As always."

I blushed heavily, pressing a kiss into his lips. He pulled me closer, taunting me with his hard body, slipping his hands under my jacket and tracing the lines of my back with his skilled fingers. I had to fight every urge in me and pulled back from him, breathless and flushed.

"Let's go." I breathed, tucking a stray hair behind my ear. "Before I change my mind."

Lance winked, and followed me out to the car. He drove us to a Mexican restaurant on the other side of town. When we entered, I saw Veronica and Acxa waiting for us at a table. Veronica waved us over.

"Hey! It's so great to see you guys!" She said excitedly, gesturing for us to sit down. Acxa stayed quiet, as usual, but she had a sparkle in her eye that I'd never noticed before. "How are things?"

"Same old!" Lance laughed. "I managed to convince Allura to give me some time off after the whole Prodigy situation, but I'm back at work now."

"How about you, Keith?" Veronica asked me. "How are you? How's Shiro doing?"

"Shiro is good. I think he's talking about moving into a new place with Adam once he sells the tattoo shop."

"So where will that leave you?" Acxa interjected. "Surely he wont leave you without a place to live?"

My cheeks flushed. "I'm sure I can find somewhere." I dared not tell anyone, but Lance had offered for me to live with him after the sale. Nothing had been finalized yet, but since Lance and I were still in the early stages of our relationship, I didn't want to do anything to jeopardise it.

"He'll live with me, obviously." Lance threw out casually, causing me to turn even more red.

"Oh, of course!" Veronica laughed. "I always forget my little brother has his own apartment."

"So, how did the two of you meet? You never told me." Lance asked his sister, grabbing my hand under the table and putting it on his thigh. "Obviously at the hospital, but, like, how did you end up...?"

"Dating?" Veronica finished. "Well, I was in charge of Acxa's rehab after the accident, so we spent a lot of time alone together. Things just sort of...fell into place."

The girls looked at each other affectionately. 

"We knew it was special from the first time we looked at each other." Acxa added. 

Lance squeezed my hand under the table. I understood exactly what Veronica and Acxa meant when they said it was special. I felt exactly the same way about Lance. I'd never intended to fall in love, but fate had had other plans for us - and I was so happy to have met him.

End of Mini-fic 1.

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