Chapter 30

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Say something! I thought while Lance and I sat in silence. My hair was still damp from the shower, and I was surrounded by the smell of Lance's shampoo. For a buff guy with short hair, he sure had a lot of hair and body products in his bathroom. It was like walking into a girl's bathroom.

"So..." Lance said eventually, planting his hands a little behind him on the bed. "Do you want to talk?"

"About what?"

"I don't know." He mumbled. "Your fight with Shiro? Why you felt it necessary to drive here in a fucking lightning storm?" He paused. "Us?"

"Erm..." I began. "To be honest, I'd rather talk about us than any of those other things."

I flopped back against the bed, grunting. Lance joined me, laying on his side.

"I know you don't really want to talk about us." He said softly. "You just don't want to talk about Shiro."

"Ugh..." I slapped my forehead. "I just...he can be so infuriating. He's stubborn, and thinks he knows what's best for me, and he's making decisions for me like all the time..."

"He sounds like he's being your big brother."

"I don't need a big brother." I snapped, instantly regretting my harsh tone. "Sorry, Lance. I don't mean to take it out on you. I'm just...frustrated."

Lance grinned, then swung himself over me so that he was kneeling over my body, pressing my arms into the bed. My cheeks got hot; what the fuck was he doing?

"Lance..." I groaned. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to cheer you up." He laughed, then sat back onto my lap, and- started tickling my stomach.

"Lance!" I shouted, wriggling and laughing. "S-stop it!"

"Not until you cheer up!" He laughed.

"Fine!" I groaned, and he released his hands. I quickly slithered out from under him, climbing onto my knees so that we were level again. "Are you happy now?"

"I got to touch you," He joked. "So of course I'm happy."

"What happened to just being friends?" I taunted, crossing my arms.

"Keith," He began, laying back down. "You came to my house, took a shower, and then sat next to me on my bed. If anyone is trying to be more than friends, it's you." He paused. "Not that I'm implying you were asking to be tickled. I just...well, I guess it's harder to resist you when I know you like me too."

I flopped down next to him, laying on my side so we were face to face.

"Do you know how hard I had to hold back?" He continued, rolling on to his back. "At first, I thought I was just jealous of you or something. It wasn't until the day we were both at the hospital that I actually realised I was into you."

"You went from straight to bi in a week?" I laughed. "That's quicker than most people I've met."

"When did you realise?"

"What, that I was gay? When I was a teenager, I guess."

"No, when did you realise you liked me?"

"Oh." I felt my cheeks turn red. "When I almost hit you with my bike, I guess. I thought you were hot. I didn't really like you until called me out on my mullet, though."

"On anyone else, I'd hate a mullet." He joked. "But on you, it's gorgeous. Nothing would look bad on you, though."

"Shut up." I mumbled, poking his arm. ""

Gasolina - Klance Mechanic/Racer AUWhere stories live. Discover now